Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Promiscuous Whales

there's still good in the world. though i feel that now people will be pressured to donate their bone marrow if they're a match.

i've tried about 83 of these (not including the dishes i've never heard of).  and i've also had crab rangoon, though i doubt that has real chinese food bona fides.

i just like this headline

because it might need a deep cleaning after the move

seems solid to me

not that you'd go but it's an interesting cocktail party conversation topic

should this be my graze alternative?

if you have some extra time in the fall

ugh it all seems so circle-y but also very cool

1. nyc is definitely snobby top 10. i don't trust this list.
2. but they have tons of stuff. they just happen to have smaller furniture. (maybe they have a storage unit too).
3. seems odd that anyone thought it was really bad and odd that he may have used this as fodder to sell his team. it's not really interesting or crazy enough for either scenario.
4.still reading it but there have been a lot of police abusing power stories lately. i guess on the plus side, i never have drugs or cash or anything worth seizing and i never get stopped by the police.
5. this ISIL group is no joke. (i just read about it because of this article. it's one of the news stories i've been actively avoiding.) but as the article says, no one is really happy that bush is right about this one.
6. i didn't actually read the articles because it didn't seem like that would make sense to. i think your recommendations are spot on. it would be nice if people were a little forward thinking and the tiniest bit compassionate. it's just knee-jerk "punish him so i'll feel better" rather than "what would make this situation better for those most affected and ensure this doesn't happen again in the future?" when we're little we read fairy tales and then as we get older, we're supposed to learn that people are more nuanced than "good" and "evil." somehow we've forgotten that.

1. i don't know if it's just a lot of engineering nerds but yeah, lack of reading love is sad.
3. i think it's been around? but we never go to glover park. there's plenty of stuff in vernon sq that i've never heard of. i just don't hang out around there.
5. peng had said this about the chinese chiding their own about weight. while it's never appreciated, the peer pressure probably does prevent more chinese people from being casually 400 pounds. (see eg my sister's friend, who only woke up to the fact that her 450 pound self might be in trouble when she ended up in the hospital. not when she had to move to a single level house because she can't climb stairs, or when she got a special obese parking spot and took a scooter to her office because she couldn't walk.) maybe the chiding people for drinking too much will help some people not get raped and wouldn't that be good enough?
6. it makes sense that offering a job to someone who already has one is going to come off as a slight. i think it can come off as a slight to the unemployed person but that might be overcome by the gratitude.
8. umm i guess i feel bad that she gets beat up for improving herself. but i'm glad that it seems that it's not deterring her? or maybe it will deter her in the future. but at least it's not another police-black person violence story.

1. i will add it to the routine.

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