Monday, September 22, 2014


so the occupy movement actually made something productive? i actually dont' see any negatives here - well except that it keeps people from defaulting and massive defaults would ultimately bring this tuition charade down. but yeah, this is the most positive thing i've ever heard about the occupy movement - by a long shot.

in the diy way

i really want to get rid of clutter. i keep seeing all those catalogs where there is no clutter and i think, wow, if i could live like that....well then i would be a superwoman

if only

getting back to our roots i guess

this seems like the right direction

this is basically a whole bunch of youdlikethis's in one

weird and awesome at the same time - an adult onesie. i'm not entirely sure how this makes it more comfortable to wear. i don't think onesies are comfortable (although jumpsuits are in style for women and i don't understand that either).

toward finishing my to-do list

how to make the happiest family of them all

i hate this. 1) i hate that violence against women is a female issue (as in, it seems that's what people would say, i think it's an everyone issue) but that it's also incumbent on men to fix the whole problem. i thought it was a little cheesy but i did appreciate when people would cross out the "woman" part and rewrite it so it would read "stop violence against everyone"  and 2) fixing the problem seems to be men signing a pledge or some crap like that and 3) why is feminism called man-hating? maybe we need to stop focusing on men being the problem and focus on how we all contribute. maybe we need to not just get men to sign this pledge (because apparently all men are desiring of committing violence against women unless they solve this pledge) but also women (because why should we assume that women are for this when we don't assume men are? because women on women violence is a thing as well. because i read a review of lana del rey's new album where she glorifies women who love being abused and the critic says, why shouldn't lana del rey raise up this kind of woman? why should we only glorify a certain type of woman?). and 4) as i said before, i like emma watson but why in the world is she a un ambassador? this speech seemed pretty stupid. she doesn't seem to understand what is going on with feminism. (to me, the speech read "i'm inviting men to be a part of this gender discussion on how can men be less evil.")


1. maybe it's sad that our mothers fought for equal pay and our generation is fighting for the right to look as trashy as possible for a high school student. at church, i think we talked about professional attire and i made the off comment that men wouldn't have experience talking to women about inappropriate dress and one of the men said it wasn't true - that he had had that uncomfortable conversation before. it would have been nice if women were taught what was appropriate. or maybe we'll become a society where women will wear lingerie to work to feel empowered.

and ugh with the "teach men to respect me" blah blah blah. this is why people think feminists are man-hating. it's because we focus on all the things men can change but assume women can't or shouldn't have to change a thing.

2. i agree with allowing pass/fail for freshman year but it does seem like there would be no incentive to work hard if there were no grades. and also if there were no grades, it seems like poorer people might not have the internships to compete with their richer colleagues who can take prestigious unpaid jobs so again, the poorer would get the shaft.

3. there are worse trends, for sure. the &pizza that just opened near me had a 45 minutes weight. but is sit-down dining going away? or are we just going to have fast casual and foodie fancy places?

4. i was totally interested in an article like this. to me, it did seem like there were fewer incidents than one would expect, particularly given the demographics that professional sports draws from. if it compared to poor black kids, the nfl would basically be a crime prevention tool.

5. ugh out-of-towners. arlington has soul! it just doesn't derive its soul from dining establishments. the people are what make it interesting and kristen gillibrand can stay in capitol hill.

6. i thought the writing about how breadsticks could be served more efficiently made a lot of sense. more detailed than i thought a consulting group would go into but maybe that's the kind of stuff they need to know. (also length of asparagus is important because they have to snap it at a certain length- they should be uniform and they shouldnt' have the tough end. nor should they be too short and waste the asparagus).

7. i thought the line "your mom would be prouder of you" was a bit too far. however, no woman should be 60-70 pounds overweight. for me that would make me over 200 pounds and no woman my height (or possibly any height) should be 200 pounds. we do need more people saying, hey, you might need to get on the diet train before you end up at the last stop - diabetes and death.

8. i thought the most glaring omission is the lack of men. maybe black women are disproportionately the victims but what we are saying with the nfl is that men are the perpetrators (100% because there are no women in the nfl). and how are we going to help change that without some men on the squad? maybe some retired nfl players or even male psychologists. it seemed very not well rounded.

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