Monday, September 8, 2014

the circle of life

look at us - we already stand out

let's go eat some chikfila

we could go to mason inn on sunday. 

watching the falcons might actually give you a heart attack

hmm if anyone comments on this, then they are surely blaming the victim, no?

intuitively this seems right but it's a little odd.

i've heard of this place but don't think i could stand the heat

i have a lot of feelings towards this article but ultimately don't know what to make of it

1. i agree if his response came off as "i'm such a sad sack now." but i'm pretty sure they're over it and i regard this article is a PSA.

2. we talked about this some already but his specific comments were a little weird because they do imply that the woman should be ready to punch a guy in the nose. seems like such a dated reference. far better to say - hey, don't drink so much that you can't say "no."

3. aww poor bear!

4. as we said, not much of a story, but in the wake of ferguson, every time anything happens between a police officer and a black person, it's practically front page news.

5. i liked these comments from the comments to that article: "Wow, it must be nice to have all this time to sit around at home making food. I have a job so I have to eat nothing but Lean Cuisine dinners, and I don't have time to defrost them." 
which is posted just above: 
"I was kind of surprised to see that you bought your salt pre-made. It's really not that hard to make your own from sea water, and the taste is far superior. I wish people weren't so quick to take short cuts. If you have time to watch TV, you have time to make your own salt! Priorities!"
foodies! so judgmental.

2. also blame brangelina bear!
3. true. it always come back to malcolm gladwell or barry glassner.
8. idk. maybe because his name is ben, they met at school, someone lives in manhattan, someone works crazy life-threatening hours, they had their own kitchen nightmares, they need to work on their communication and someone ended up in a hospital. of course, our stuff wasn't all related to each other like it was for them (my hospital visit wasn't because of my job).

3. bears are the best at zipping up dresses for sure but what about the bunnies who don't have bears? should they have to walk around with open dresses?
5. nothing wrong with honing your espresso skills on your own machine.

blasts from the past

I posted this in one of our first year's posts but have forgotten about it. apparently i read psychology today even way back then.

also, this was our first post and this was our second

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