Thursday, November 15, 2012

Elizabeth draws the line

Despite being Jesse Jackson's kid, I was going to give Jr. the benefit of the doubt about not resigning after misusing campaign financing in buying furniture for one of his houses until he got disability payments. That is, until the statement, "Our sources say that the federal agents want to know where Jackson got $42,000 to pay for the watch he purchased for the woman he was having an affair with." That is a bridge too far.

There are a lot of people in poverty.The surprise -16.9% Asian! We can't let this stand.

Now I didn't read this whole thing because it made me queasy but I was thinking there was some legal loophole that wasn't being explored. Like the judge ruled based on the law but the media wanted to lambast her for being easy on crime. I couldn't find the loophole.

that uva alum link that didn't work from before.

the homelessness app from before.

i think playing monday morning quarterback with limited information about a business isn't really helpful.

Among the retorts to people raising prices or limiting hours: "the company and CEO's have enough money to take it," "rich people sticking it to the poor," "so what, raise the prices!" Very thoughtful. Also, "there are other reasons you're raising prices - rising prices for your food supplies, etc.!" So yeah, it's not Obamacare, it's the terrible economy and inflation, you greedy bad person. Stop blaming Obama!

Also, I think, though I'm not sure, that Papa John was speaking about how much it would cost each franchisee. So attacking how rich Papa John is won't necessarily fix things. 

But you knew that.

also consider this.

Also, one of my "racism is still alive" facebook friends posted something about how terrible it was that there are assassination talks against Obama now. Not saying that it's a good thing. No, it's definitely terrible. But the fact that this is Obama's SECOND TERM seems to imply that it's not because he's black. I mean, wouldn't racists have revolted the first term? What is it about a second term that clearly makes this something that racist people can't stand? "Oh I hate minorities but one term as President I don't mind....I'll wait for the second term to get all up in arms." It also ends with something like "when will white people stop insisting that black people get educated and have personal responsibility?" And this wasn't sarcasm.

haven't read this yet but my facebook friend that posts interesting articles posted this.

and yes i looked at facebook but that's because one of the partners posted something about a job and i figured i'd send the info along to caitlin. i think that makes it acceptable.

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