Thursday, November 22, 2012

This is definitely not cheery...

But if Obama can't even keep his promise to a pardoned turkey, then can he be trusted at all?

Here's an idea.  Something tells me the Senate won't be quite as excited (as Paula Broadwell).

I don't think all that crying will help him when he gets to jail.

Here's an interesting take on Obama's recent trip to Southeast Asia.  I think he needs some better advisors.  But I feel like I read so many of these stories in Obama's first term (e.g. giving the Queen an iPod, bowing to some monarch somewhere) that undermine the line that America is back in good graces with the rest of the world.  Is it because we constantly kowtow to countries that don't like us and alienate our allies?

Some of the Fab Sugar gift ideas seemed pretty cool, but others seemed too cool for me.  Maybe that's the problem - maybe I need to step up and be cooler?  (The iPod "speakers" seem pretty awesome, though.)


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