Thursday, November 15, 2012

lull in petraeus news means more obamacare reading

also, this but mostly for the comments (read them after the article, otherwise it won't make sense):

Obamacare IS the hope and change:
"I think you’re getting lost in speculating about what Scott (and the Scott’s of the world) would do in an Obamacare environment, by assuming his behavior would not have changed. I knew Scott. The mere fact that Obamacare existed, would have been enough to motivate him. What isn’t explicitly stated by Kristof and is overlooked in your analysis, is that Obamacare, by its mere existence, provides a holistic, positive message about the need for medical insurance and care and, subsequently backs it up by removing economic obstacles. Scott was smart and political. And he was also prudent and a rule follower. Obamacare would have suited him, his belief system, and his health care needs. Everyone needs a kick in the pants when it comes to health issues and Obamacare provides it. You’re assuming the devil is in the details, which sometimes it is. But Obamacare is cultural sea change and will affect our system in unexpected ways that go beyond your simple cause and effect dissection."

Unfortunately, Obamacare is affecting us already in very expected and very terrible ways in a simple cause and effect dissection. 

But then again, maybe you just need to go see a doctor if there's blood in your urine?

"John, I wanted to make one additional comment, as I sell Health Insurance in Washington State (and have lived only 1 mile from the hospital he went to).
First of all, Washington State has significantly stronger State laws than most. Everyone in Washington is GUARANTEED Insurable, so once he got sick all he had to do was go to the Washington State Health Insurance Pool (WSHIP). Then his health issues would be covered, done. 92% are accepted for Individual Health Insurance, the other 8% must pay significantly more…yet they waited to get coverage and CURRENTLY have massive health expenses.
So when the author mentioned his friend could not get coverage that is a lie. His friend did not have a good Insurance Broker that could outline all his options then show him how to sign up. If you have any questions please let me know."

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