Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I'm catching up!

Since you're on the road, I thought you might like some stories from Yahoo:

PSY has made bank on "Gangnam Style."  The best part: the stock price of DI Corp., a company in which his dad, uncle, and grandmother own stock, is now worth double what it used to be because of this song.

Also, I no longer have any respect for the New York Post for using this picture on its front page.

Grantland is nice because I get plenty of interesting sports stuff but also articles about Ke$ha.

Also, I couldn't disagree more with Katrina vanden Heuvel in her suggestion of making public college free.

The Get Rich Slowly story about the girl dealing with the boom and bust cycles was interesting and reminds me of my little brother - and even of my mom a little bit.  Also, I had a conversation with my boss from my Party City job about what I was getting paid, and he said something like, "With what you're making that's $5 per day to spend."  He was right on the math - if you took my average bi-weekly paycheck (after taxes) and divided by 14, it came out to about $5.  But the thing that got me at the time was that he expected that I would spend about $5 per day.  That was crazy to me because I would never have anything saved up if I did that.  It was also a very small amount of money (for comparison's sake, today my take-home pay is about $250 per day).

The new Jordans aren't hideous.  Just his wardrobe.


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