Friday, December 14, 2012


I am thoroughly confused by those Arrested Development comments - so much so that I don't want to talk about them at all.

So... guess who's in the running for an All-Star Game slot?

That Hong Kong airline article makes us look terrible.  But it also makes them look ridiculous.  At the end of the day, I don't think the passengers are going to revolt if the flight attendants only do an above average job instead of the best job of all time.

That conversation about RGIII sounds absolutely retarded.  He's clearly handled the questions with such a degree of class, thoughfulness, and honesty that I find it hard to believe that there is still anything to talk about.  But there is because, in today's society, for some reason it's not enough just to be successful if you're black.  Tons of people who are black or mixed (and partially black) are absolutely reviled in certain circles (we'll call them the barbershop circles for ease of identification) because they don't "stay true" to the barbershop circles' understanding or interpretation of what it means to be black.  For examples, see Clarence Thomas or Stacey Dash.  And, by the way, it's not just putting your foot in your mouth or doing something stupid that gets you in trouble.  It's a failure to behave a certain way or believe certain things.  And it's so-called treacherous acts like supporting a Republican or marrying a non-black person.

I honestly can't find a single thing wrong with RGIII - either his play on the field or his behavior off the field - that is worth having this discussion.  But these people will continue to do so because people like RGIII (in their minds) work against what they want, which is this cohesive, homogenous black culture that believes certain things and falls in line.  It's terrible.  It's what so many people I've encountered (e.g. my dad) believed, and when I tell them I think they're wrong, all of a sudden I've betrayed Black People.  Well, they've betrayed their own individuality and their own integrity by buying into such a ridiculous collectivist notion.  I'd rather be called an Oreo than buy into their garbage.


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