Wednesday, December 19, 2012

obesity and the person of the year

Barry Glassner and Jeni may have been right

i thought this comment was interesting: "I just finished "Wheat Belly", by Dr William Davis. This cardiologist presents a strong case that the modern strains of wheat products are the primary culprit in obesity and a huge number of attendant illnesses. Cut out "your daily bread", and you'll lose weight without counting calories, and those mysterious afflictions will likely disappear as well. He explains why in great detail.

I highly recommend that readers get this book and decide for themselves. I've known for some time that carbs in general are not good for the human diet -- we are still hunter-gatherers metabolically. I did NOT realize that modern wheat does very strange things to the body and in fact is a more powerful than table sugar in causing blood sugar to spike."

this while i'm eating my 2nd bagel....

also: Obes Res. 1997 Sep;5(5):464-9.
Association of adenovirus infection with human obesity.
Dhurandhar NV, Kulkarni PR, Ajinkya SM, Sherikar AA, Atkinson RL.
Department of Medicine, University of Wisconsin, Madison 53706, USA.

possible persons of the year: that malala girl who was shot in the face, gabby douglas, rgiii, chris stephens, kate middleton, channing tatum, anne hathaway, mitt romney, justin bieber.

how about this for person of the year?

i saw on msnbc - sorry i ref it so much but sometimes i need to get a capuccino and it's hard to ignore the ridiculousness - that these commentators were like "Obama said to repubs, i won. but it seems that these repubs are just being difficult just because it's obama." and i thought - yeah, if you lead with 'i won' it's hard not to understand why people wouldn't just fall into line willingly. also, they tried to make the case that since obama is time's person of the year, this is more of a mandate. ummm dubya was also time's person of the year twice. and hitler was a person of the year once. also, why would anyone consider anything that time says a mandate.

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