Friday, April 12, 2013

perfectly symmetrical

yeah, pretty sure i would never be this eco-friendly

remember to call your maintenance people about your ceiling.

morning yoga playlist with ...styx?

it's the anticipation that's killing me

telling it like it is


i like that rand paul is trying

thanks again for saving me from that softball

ideas for cleaning - oh how exciting

this would not be normally interesting to you - actually it wouldn't be interesting to you at all.  but they ousted the CEO and i'm wondering where JCPenney is going to turn out and how it's going to get there. seems like everyone is trying out the Target model?


i say we put a month-long-moratorium on things that people get offended at. it makes me sad about america.

response to the couch comment: i saw now that we had couches AND somewhat nicely furnished apartments. they're exclusive of each other. =P but your couch isn't bad.  your apartment - strangely -has a little retro vibe to it.  your couch looks kinda 70's especially with the zigzag Missoni-esque pillows, the dressers seems like a 60's or 70's style and you have a record player.  all in all, more stylish and more mad men than before. all you need is a wet bar.

that mcdonalds ad was weird for this reason - are they getting rid of the big mac? if not, then why would you be sad?

i dunno - i thought the irwin joke was funny but the reeves jokes at the broncos was not. well, i mean it was funny but it also hurt a little too.  i guess better than funny or die where i'd just die and not laugh even a little.

the meghan mccain - ann coulter thing is stupid. we need new conservative women role models.

we can start up with tennis again.  find a court. and now that i'm less busy, maybe i'll fix up the ol' chicken and dumpling logo.

i'm better looking than matt ryan. =P

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