Thursday, April 11, 2013

Thin Skin

I don't like a lot that comes out of McDonald's, but this ad was funny.

Everybody needs to calm down.  There is nothing wrong with a good Steve Irwin joke.

You're going to tell a world-renowned neurosurgeon to go away because you don't like what he said about gay marriage?  Your loss.

You may not be that eager to take Ann Coulter's side, but Meghan McCain needs some cheese with that whine.

I can understand firing the coach (though I can also understand fining him and giving him a 3-game suspension and seeing if he actually changes his behavior, which could also work and not destroy a man's livelihood), but you have to fire the Athletic Director for not firing the coach fast enough?  And you have to fire the school's lawyer for not recommending the coach's termination?  And you have to fire the assistant coach for (likely) following orders so he didn't get fired for insubordination or else blackballed for being a snitch (btw, that's a real thing)?  And the whole time, the actual players who were allegedly harmed by this behavior are not even that troubled by it?

Everybody needs to calm down.

Responses to "on beauty":

1. That makes sense.  I think you can strengthen your "willpower" muscle over time.

2. I don't know where to buy bean leaves.

3. I've wanted to go to Chile and Tierra del Fuego.

4. They're talking about Matt Ryan.

5. I think there's definitely some truth in that.  The problem is that many people would rather continue to do things their own way than use this information to get along better with each other.

6. I'd vote not guilty, either by reason of insanity or because the guy deserved it.

Responses to "doughnuts and cucumbers":

1. I believe it.

2. Resolutions?

3. Newspapers still have some use in society after all.

4. Don't you mean double entendre?

5. I think the reason it makes us (yes, me too) feel inferior is because we *are* inferior to her.  I'm not going to sit here and let some 14-year-old girl punk me.  Thanks for pointing this out to me, Runner's World.

6. Common-sense gun laws?

7. What third kind of fun will you be trying?  FYI, tennis, swimming, Chicken and Dumpling, and golf all called. :P

8. Agreed.

9. What does my couch have to do with nice stuff?


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