Monday, April 29, 2013

The Jets will suffer for eternity for their damnable crimes.

The New York Jets have released Tim Tebow.  I don't understand why there is a circus around Tim Tebow.  Every report from teammates (especially in Denver, but also in New York) had him being a great teammate, a hard worker, a humble guy, and a good leader (in Denver anyway).  It's unfortunate that the media "can't get enough" of covering Tim Tebow's every waking moment because it means that it'll be harder for Tim Tebow to get a job.  Since he's a UF guy I can't get too bent out of shape, but still.

Because this is apparently news.

I kinda noticed this too - I don't like it.

This reminds me of what I was suggesting about race earlier.

Here's an idea.

Just FYI, our billing cycle ends on the 22nd of each month.  I'll probably monitor the account to see how our usage looks, but you should definitely feel free to use the data plan as much as you like.  I check my email, use Gchat (you can download the app IMO if you want to Gchat from your iPhone), download podcasts, get real-time directions, and even download app updates while at work, and I have yet to cross even the 1-GB threshold.  (We should get an email when we hit 50% usage.)  Your usage will probably grow as you use your iPhone for more and more things, and it's a comfort thing, but I guess I just mean to say that if you ever find yourself thinking, "Hmm, that might be too big," and it's not because you're trying to decide whether to download a seriously gigantic file, then just go for it and it should be fine.

Limited responses:

1.  I felt dirtier reading the sugar daddy article than I thought I would.  I really hope that this is not where personal relationships are headed.

3.  Maybe the ideal is finding someone to join you on your ambitious road, i.e. a power couple?

5.  Bring your camera to NYC.

6.  We probably could have used this clip after the heavy episode yesterday.

12.  I'll probably hold onto the laptop until the end of the year, and then it's all yours.


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