Tuesday, April 30, 2013


It's one thing to say that the Redskins nickname is offensive.  It's quite another to suggest replacement nicknames that are offensively bad.

ESPN is standing by Chris Broussard (for now) after his comments about Jason Collins.

This was a close call.  Even so, it would have been better if she had someone to swat the ball away...

If you're looking into real estate, how about this placeOr this place?


2. I think that's right.  Most conservatives object to the philosophy behind the environmentalist movement more than environmentalism itself.  I like clean parks, clean air, and clean water, and I don't object on a principled basis to reducing emissions, but don't shut down the economy to do it.  I read this book and really liked it because it took this approach.

5. I have a little.  There are fewer homeless people on my walk from Farragut West to the office now than when I was paralegal.  Maybe half as many.  That's obviously not a huge sample size.

7. What's racist about giving you a high-five?  Also, I think the term "second-generation immigrant" is incorrect.  I'm pretty sure you're a natural-born citizen and not an immigrant.

8. This makes me less likely to support gay rights...


1. The comments about Tebow not being very good were there (reread what I said; I never said his teammates didn't say anything bad about him), but since when do players get press coverage for being below average?  To wit, how much did you know about Jason Collins before he came out?

4. You would not be invited to the white prom because the white parents would not know or like your parents and thus would not invite you.  So you would go to the integrated prom, or as it will be known in a couple of years at that school, the prom.

5. Are there cruises to Alaska in October?


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