Thursday, February 28, 2013

Evening Edition

Anne-Marie Slaughter is coming to the defense of Yahoo! CEO Marissa Mayer for abolishing working from home.  As much as I love working from home, I find it hard to disagree with Slaughter's take.

This might be good news if you're looking for a cheap way to get an iPhone.

Have you been following the nonsense about people hating Anne Hathaway?  The New Yorker comes to her defense, but I don't understand why this is a thing in the first place.  This might relate to what I was saying about Michelle Obama earlier:  celebrity culture is all about making value judgments about the lives of others with impunity, and that's part of the fun of the whole enterprise.  I guess it's just not my scene.

This is clearly self-interest - but is it justifiable?  In other words, should we criticize Dawkins for drawing what is clearly an unpalatable distinction in his worldview (since Dawkins's position is against the existence of any divine entity, not solely against the Christian conception of God to the exclusion of the Muslim conception of God) in light of what has happened to other people who have criticized Islam, or should we all just sorta nod and wink when Dawkins says things like this, knowing what he (probably) really believes given his continued savaging of Christianity and Judaism (which apparently consist of people who won't threaten his life for his words)?  The first option seems like the most reasonable one, but at the same time, I've never been placed in a situation where my choices were intellectual consistency or safety.

Michelle Has Been Keeping Busy

It takes a fair amount of time to write an op-ed good enough to make the Wall Street Journal as a Democrat.  And if her statistics are right, it's an interesting (and good) trend that she's noting.

Did you ever watch Legends of the Hidden Temple on Nickelodeon in the 90s?  If so, you might find this article interesting.

As much as I hate this particular columnist (I find her columns to be painful and uninteresting), she gets at what I think is the key issue with women's sports - success as moneymaking ventures.

You're probably not going to read this, but I thought this was a pretty interesting story about how wrestling uses current events.  My favorite part of the whole thing was that, after Glenn Beck responded to the gimmick negatively, the two people involved with the gimmick taped a bit kindly explaining to Glenn Beck that wrestling is fake.

Marketing 101 - but still kinda neat.  Also, some people (read: government regulators) are squares.

Mike Isabella has been keeping busy too.


Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Five-Minute Post

Is this an appropriate question for the workplace, even the NFL workplace?

This will be the last post on Morrissey.  Let's go out with a bang!

Does this happen when you have too many late nights at the office? :)  If so, I'll murder him!

This was incredibly inappropriate.  Maybe they've been spending too much time with Morrissey.


Personal Finance Blogs

I saw this list of personal finance blogs on someone's status message and thought you might be interested in it.

I think I kinda disagree with this article.  I'm not the biggest fan of some of the initiatives that Michelle Obama has endorsed, but I think she's doing plenty.  And not all of it has to be in the key of "We Shall Overcome."  If Michelle Obama is the First Lady, than "we" have done a pretty substantial amount of "overcom[ing]."  Why not have some fun at the Oscars?  Honestly, my biggest complaint about that was her bangs.

As Wal-Mart goes, so goes the U.S. economy, this article suggests.

Face palm.

Chris Christie is extremely popular in New Jersey right now - though he'd probably lose NJ to Hillary Clinton if the presidential election happened today.


Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Starting from the most recent post:

1. I think information is good, and more information is better, so that K&L Gates is reporting its financial information is probably a good thing for them, for prospective hires, and for the market generally.  I don't really have an argument for why firms should not disclose this sort of information, but I do fully recognize that they don't have to as private partnerships and would never push for a legal requirement of that sort.  That said, K&L Gates gets a pat on the back.

2. I imagine that Morrissey is insufferable in person.

3. China should leave Taiwan alone!

4. You should leave bears alone!

5. It's probably because the people who don't want pre-K can (at least at this point) opt out of it rather easily.  They simply don't send their kids to it, whereas the parents who need what is effectively daycare will send their kids.  I would not send my kids to pre-K if I had the option.  (That said, I also wouldn't send them to most public schools given the option.)  If universal pre-K becomes a serious policy proposal, we could see some rumblings.  And if people start talking about making it mandatory, then we'll definitely see some protests.  But I don't think it'll get that far.

6. All this for a dumb statue, of which the guy already has plenty?


Updates on Arrested Development

The show will be available on Netflix sometime in May 2013.  Here's a more general update about what's going on.

I didn't realize that part of our Pacific Coast Highway was so dangerous - they're building a tunnel to avoid the Devil's Slide section that periodically collapses into the sea.

I-66, which apparently is one of the most congested highways in the nation between DC and Route 29 (where we get off to go to Charlottesville), is getting some improvements.

This could be fun.


Monday, February 25, 2013


1. i thought everyone thought the sequester was obama's fault?

2. on second thought, i'm not sure it is hypocritical for congresspeople to support the minimum wage while not paying their interns. but only based on what reason they're giving for supporting the minimum wage. maybe they're just trying to help low-income people support their families and low-income people can't be interns because they can't work for free! this would, of course, ignore the fact that low-income people are boxed out of these potentially high-power jobs because of the no-pay. eh, i guess it might still be hypocritical. i did read somewhere that the minimum wage is just the politically expedient way to raise low income people's wages even if the EITC is better. i did find a critique about the EITC in a comment insightful - it doesn't reward work and further, when low-income people get their big tax refunds, they think it's lottery money and don't spend it wisely. but you can't solve everything.

3. i did read the relationship stress links. but blaming you is so much fun!

what do you think of this?

or this?

and because i wasn't sure how to feel, i asked wsj to tell me.

bears down, down with bears!

i liked this article enough to upset my 'bears down' post - but then you upset it already. down with bears

i didn't think pre-k education was controversial

oscars shenanigans

Friday, February 22, 2013

Bunny down?

This blog did not seem nearly as funny or interesting as your picture.

Is it hypocritical for Democratic Congressmen to support minimum wage increases while not paying their own interns to open mail and such?  Dwight Lee thinks so.

I think you might appreciate this one.

According to Bob Woodward, the sequester is Obama's fault.

Did you read the relationship stress links?


Thursday, February 21, 2013

bears down on the midwest!

caramel sauce is on the backburner. we have to make this!

the top story on yahoo this morning was 'the dark side of the war on mexican drug cartels' and i thought, usually you only write 'the dark side of' if it's something light and airy - like DisneyWorld or butterflies. you don't say 'the dark side of raw sewage' or 'the dark side of having a heart attack.' people weren't expecting those issues to have more than 1 side, and that 1 side is definitely dark.

what leaders do

i've been running into a number of trader joe's articles. one said that buying produce at trader joe's was a fool's errand because it wasn't that fresh. i dunno, fresher than anywhere else around here (i checked very carefully my pint of blueberries at target since the first 2 pints i saw had visible mold) for a lower price and i don't want to drive a million miles to great wall.

Is This Racist: The Series

Next for your review: Whole Foods.  As an aside, I wonder whether this is going to become a bigger and bigger problem as more and more people become unfamiliar with racist or quasi-racist stereotypes.

I think I sent you this story last year.  Here is an updated version of it.

Here is some more coverage of the Titan CEO telling France what they can do with their baguettes.

I know you probably saw this article, but here it is anyway.

Have you seen this?

Also, I'm buying this and this.


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Maybe in a couple of years?

I like this business plan, especially since Wi-Fi networks are becoming more prevalent.  I'm honestly surprised that voice plans are still as dominant as they are.

On food television.

Some liberals will believe anything about conservatives (as long as it's negative).  Some conservatives will believe anything about liberals (as long as it's negative).  For an at-length discussion, see here.


Suck it, France!

This story made my morning.

Here is an update on the VA transportation bill (in case you don't want to click on the link, I should remind you that it could affect the sales tax rate).

Another Monsanto case is going to the Supreme Court.

Here is more commentary on the minimum wage.


1. Good for her.

2. I'm not studying for a party.  I'll just play the role of "ignorant guy."

3. There's a drinking game here.

4. That's probably an accurate criticism.  And I think it's probably because the authors don't feel as comfortable with pop culture as the average liberal.

5. Is that because of stories like this?  Also, zero tolerance is one of the many reasons why I want to send my kids to private school (i.e. one that does not use zero tolerance).

6. No comment on the lateness article?


oscars edition

in terms of finding a niche, i thought this was pretty cool

the movies we forgot: django unchained, zero dark thirty and amour. we also added anna karenina, brave, flight, skyfall etc. we are not prepared for this party.

a study of acceptance speeches

this acculturated site doesn't seem particularly fun or funny. it keeps talking about the problems with youth. i wouldn't want my blog to have such a focus on that.

under the "questions people never asked," i've seen stories on: should the president get a raise?" (no) and "are schools who suspend kids pointing their fingers as a gun going too far?" (yes).

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

You're Late!

And here's why.  (Can you guess which one I am?)

RGIII is getting pumped for next season... but not too pumped.

On the one hand, I'm strongly pro-immigration.  On the other hand, I'm strongly anti-coming to America and getting food stamps.  As a result, this bothers me, and my proposed solution is dismantling the welfare state.

I tried to look for some more conservative pop culture blogs and mostly struck out.  I found this, though.  It seems to indicate a gap (one that should be filled, in part by the sort of blog that you envision) but also a more pervasive problem (one that makes the sort of blog that you envision, well, difficult to envision and certainly explains the lack of blogs of the sort you envision).


But I still want to go on a cruise.

I thought this story was funny in light of this one.

I'd like to try this place when it opens.

You might be interested in this blog.  I am.

That said, this is one of the problems that I have found with a lot of attempts at conservative takes on pop culture, especially when engaging with pop culture is so often suggested only with a view towards combating it.

In my view, the sort of blog I would be willing to read (and even contribute to) is one that doesn't identify itself as a conservative blog per se, but rather one that engages in ideas that come from people with conservative foundational beliefs that inform their takes on various issues - similar to the Acculturated blog.  I find that liberal pop culture blogs are only subconsciously liberal, and that's part of their success.


what? you can get chikfila in the city?

franklin square
"80% chance of rain, but 100% chance of fresh-baked cookies at Franklin Square today! Open 11:30"
February 19, 2013, 9:39 am
"We hope you had a magical president's day and that Franklin Park is ready to brave the weather for lunch!"
February 19, 2013, 9:49 am
    Rito Loco
"If this actually starts moving @RitoLoco b at Franklin park in a minute"
February 19, 2013, 9:39 am
"Eat with us today at 13 & K NW!"
February 19, 2013, 7:23 am
"Franklin square be sure to check us out for lunch today! We will be here serving Japanese bento with delicious hand rolls. Cya soon"
February 19, 2013, 9:40 am

 farragut square

"We'll be at #navyYard and #FarragutSquare. Exciting news coming soon fresh hand made daily tortillas on our tacos no more store bought!!!!!"
February 19, 2013, 10:23 am
    El Fuego
"Good Morning everyone! Today the Fuego team is at #Farragut, try our delicious home-made Pork sandwich! 🐷"🚨' #fuegoforlunch"
February 19, 2013, 8:36 am
"Volathai & Benethiopia park their aluminum ships at Farragut Sq today. Beat the rain & eat wot or noodles from a wok. 11:11am - #202. #fb"
February 19, 2013, 9:52 am
"Volathai & Benethiopia park their aluminum ships at Farragut Sq today. Beat the rain & eat wot or noodles from a wok. 11:11am - #202. #fb"
February 19, 2013, 9:52 am
"Hello and Goodmorning! Today we'll be serving lunch @L'Enfant plaza, @Navy Yard and @Farragut Sq (17 & K NW). Window opens @11:15."
February 19, 2013, 10:15 am
"Good morning Popped! Republic fans--- we'll be out in the streets today--- making a special order delivery in..."
February 19, 2013, 9:49 am
"Good morning everyone, today we will be serving lunch on Farragut square."
February 19, 2013, 9:58 am

 metro center
"Good morning Twitter and Facebook universe we are serving lunch today @ the Metro Center. We are parked on 12 & G in front of Macy's"
February 19, 2013, 9:48 am
"Spread the word, the Chick-fil-A Mobile Kitchen is at Metro Centre 12th & Gst. today near the Capital Bike Share depot. Join in the fun."
February 19, 2013, 9:58 am
"Hey Metro Center! Get ready for some piiiiiiiiieeeeee"
February 19, 2013, 9:31 am
    DC Empanadas
"Parked on the corner of 12th and G. The Traditional (beef) Mr Miyagi (chicken) French Quarter (veg) The Golden Child (pork)."
February 19, 2013, 10:28 am
"T1: Metro Center & T2: Farruagut!"
February 19, 2013, 10:20 am
"T1: Metro Center & T2: Farruagut!"
February 19, 2013, 10:20 am
    Pho Junkies
"The Zombie Pho Truck is back in action and heading to Metro Center!"
February 19, 2013, 8:42 am
"Happy Tuesday y'all. Another week in full tilt! We'll be hanging with some of our very Favs at Metro Center! So, so psyched!"
February 19, 2013, 8:04 am
"Happy Tuesday Ficellenians! AMELIE will be #Metro Center. New Ficelle Sandwich today "BLUHM". "Top round Roast..."
February 19, 2013, 7:28 am

Monday, February 18, 2013


Here are two links about relationship stress.

This is what it's like not to worry about crime.  I'd almost rather have actual crime.

Perhaps having an apprenticeship would ease the stress of becoming a lawyer and trying to find a job.  That said, it would not make that debt go away...

Alec Baldwin is under a bit of stress - at least, that's one possible explanation for this little tirade.  As an aside, I love how the photographer was upset not that he was being called names, but rather that one could potentially interpret the names as associated with stereotypes of black people.

When would you like to reschedule our massages?  I should call them today.


Thursday, February 14, 2013

there is a market, but it might just be me and these authors


conservo-pop 2

that minimum wage study i haven't read yet

Happy Valentine's Day!

This story reminded me of how people are saying that TV is now where the best programming is (as opposed to movies) because of shows like Mad Men, The Wire, Breaking Bad, etc.

Jack Lew is going to be a terrible Treasury Secretary (his terrible signature isn't even the worst part).

Here is a final word (though probably not actually a final word) on Christopher Dorner.


And the responses:

1. The basic premise is that, when there is monopsony, the firm can extract the surplus (i.e. the value added to the economy from economically productive activity) from the market for itself.  Think in terms of a monopoly supplier.  If you're the only game in town, you can charge more than the price you'd charge if you had competitors and people will still buy your products - to a point - because they don't have an alternative.  Prospective employees in monopsony conditions don't have other places to turn for employment, so they have to take wages that don't reflect as much of the added value each new employee generates (i.e. the monopsonistic employer can take all the surplus for himself).  Also, because the employer is paying less than he would in a perfectly competitive market (since there are no competitors to offer better wages), fewer people demand jobs (and thus fewer people than the efficient amount are employed).  Wherever this point is for a monopolist or monopsonist, it is more profitable for him to supply less (at a greater price) or demand fewer workers (at lower wages) than a perfectly competitive market would suggest.

So when you impose a minimum wage on this market, employment increases because the employer can still hire extra workers to generate value greater than cost (he just cannot internalize as much of it).  Of course, what the chart does not say is that, if you keep increasing minimum wage, eventually your marginal cost will be greater than the anticipated value generated by each new employee, and as a result the monopsonist will eventually start firing people.  (If you press the button on the monopsony chart, employment would follow the red horizontal line to the intersection with the green line, but if the red horizontal line (the minimum wage) kept going up, then the intersection with the green line would increasingly reflect lower employment.)  That said, the big take-home lesson, as he notes, is that, thinking solely about economics (and not the freedom of contract issues I had), we have to determine whether a job market looks more like a perfectly competitive market or a monopsony.  And this is where social science breaks down.

2. Good for him.

3. Me too!  Especially the last part... :P

4. I did see the story.  If you want to talk about paternalism, that story (and stories with respect to Indian mascots too) are rife with it.


valentine's day edition

i need help understanding this

this isn't earth-shattering but it's a nice story

looking forward to it

i didn't want to post it but did you see the story about people being offended about sports illustrated? and it wasn't because of female objectification? well, i guess that's an addendum to your 'last word on offense.' we'll never get a last word.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

This is creepy.

But it's happening.  Sorry, Knut.

So if I understand this correctly, in the 2020 Olympics, wrestling is out but golf is in?  There's something wrong with this.

Maybe the Dorner story is over.  Or maybe he planted his license and wallet there so he could escape.  That's what would have happened on 24, which is the closest analogy I can think of to what is happening here.

I don't think I understand viral videos.  Take this one, for example.  Ok, I get it - an attractive female is bouncing around, making the fellas drool.  But how does this matter for more than 5 minutes?  How does this become a commercial, appearances, etc.?  I don't understand modern society.

And responses:

1. Love the shirt.

2. Seriously, that story has significant 24 potential - that is, except for the fact that it took longer than 24 hours to maybe catch him.

3. I'm tired of these stories.  Anyone who believed that getting a college degree was a foolproof way to get a great job is not thinking with his brain.  I'm glad that Princeton offered me an almost free ride (my Pepsi National Merit scholarship thankfully covered more than the shortfall), and it would be really nice if other schools followed suit (or, I guess, if other schools could afford to follow suit), but where you go to college is more than that because of the loan aspect.  A few years ago, I read an article that suggested that kids should go to the (cheaper) public university in their home state if the choice is between that and a decent private school (think Boston College, not Harvard).  I tend to think that's generally true, though I recognize that there can be value to one of these smaller, expensive liberal arts colleges.  But that value is not the sort of thing that one should go into debt for.  It's like summer camp.  You make great friends and learn about yourself or whatever, but you wouldn't mortgage the house to send your kids there.  I think the affordability solution involves online classes (reducing the need for real estate and as many high-paid professors).  But until the University of Phoenix gets respect, prospective students need to think long and hard about the investment they're making and not just sign papers because everyone else is doing it.  College can definitely be a value proposition, and taking on debt can be a smart way to access that proposition, but it can't be done without thinking long and hard about the impact of that decision.

4. This should not be the Ben you speak most glowingly about...


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

dorner fever

best. ever.

this story is getting ridiculously exciting. wait, the word is terrifying.

i'm torn about this. well, the people in the finaid program seem like jerks but putting that aside, it's not the institution's role to tell what families can afford. but it seems like such a jerk move to offer financial aid in the terms of loans. i've always thought that.

oh ben carson!

Get on the Love Train!

This one is from the Washington Post.  I noticed that there are some missing stops on the Green Line...

I think the plaintiff in this story is an amazing example of what happens when you combine ungratefulness with an unearned sense of entitlement and a terrible attitude.

This just seems wrong.

Should we go to Bourbon Steak instead?

People are still talking about changing law school to make it more cost-effective and responsive to what the market needs.  But I think the last sentence sums up these efforts at this point.

I know we still have to plan our spring vacation, but can we go on an Alaskan cruise this summer?


Saturday, February 9, 2013

pet political projects

For whatever reason, I've heard Dr. Ben Carson's story about a million times. And I'm still amazed.

so is the wsj.

here's his wiki

that homelessness piece i talked about yesterday

and speaking of homelessness, these people are not homeless though their homes are not photogenic. i mean, the bottom line is, these people pay money of their own volition to live here. granted, yes it would be better to live in an apartment. but until that is figured out, this might have to do.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Last Word on Offense

When I was in high school, one of the Spanish teachers (I never took a class with her because she only taught Spanish 1 and 2, which I took in middle school) had a serious problem with perfume.  She said it irritated her and came about as close as possible to claiming an allergy (though I tend to think that would have been medically incorrect).  She forbade students from wearing perfume or cologne in her class, and she would launch minutes-long searches for perpetrators if she detected even a hint of scent.  On occasion, she would excuse herself from teaching duties because she was too traumatized by the smell of perfume.

To her, I say life is too hard.  A teacher can tell students in herclassroom to do practically whatever she wants, and even if it's well past her actual authority, they'll probably do it because she can make their lives miserable, at least in the short term.  But she can't go on the subway and start hassling people who wear perfume or yell at people in line at the grocery store because they are irritating her nose.  She has to deal, even if she is uncomfortable, and if she can't, then, well, life is too hard.  And you know what we tell people when life is too hard.

My position: if someone is wearing perfume around you and you have a sensitivity to perfume, you have to deal.  If someone sprays perfume in your face with full knowledge of your sensitivity, you have a lawsuit and potentially a criminal act.

Onto the links:

Remember the story I mentioned about Alex Collins, the high school football player from Florida who wanted to go to the University of Arkansas, except his mom wouldn't sign the letter of intent (meaning the letter of intent would not be binding under current NCAA rules)?  Well, there were two developments: 1) his dad (based on context I assume that the parents are no longer together) decided to sign the letter of intent instead, thus allowing Alex to attend the University of Arkansas, and 2) his mom has hired the Cochran firm to find a way to prevent this and make him go to the University of Miami.  (She says she just wants to make sure that all the rules were followed - presumably by her son and his dad - but why would she care about that except to reverse the decision?)

Here is my playlist of songs potentially to buy.  You are more than welcome to suggest additions.  You are not welcome to suggest subtractions... :)

Apparently voter fraud is real.


Thursday, February 7, 2013

last of the day

how higher education is like the music industry

this is probably lame but i'll watch it later

crazy vegan science - the irony is not lost on me that this is liberal science just as creationism is conservative science. it's too bad we have too few STEM people to know what REAL SCIENCE is.

i wish this had video.

Zombies and Interns

Community apparently returns tonight, though Andy Greenwald isn't terribly excited now that creator Dan Harmon is gone.

DC is full of interns - way too many interns.  If you ask me, there are too many people who want to tell other people what to do (i.e. go into politics or policy) and not enough people who actually want to do stuff (i.e. engineering).  Also, supply and demand don't lie.

I thought Australia was cooler than this.  I didn't know they did this kind of nonsense.

Jay Cutler is a douchebag.  That said, his girlfriend fiancée apparently let him get away with it, so maybe it's her fault too.

If it didn't kill the battery, this would be a great idea.

Is this sexist?  I say no.



I was getting ready to do my own post, but you've posted a lot, so here are some responses.

Starting with "post-racial or just talking 'bout race":

1. Liberals have problems with true meritocracies because true meritocracies do not recognize the unfortunate reality that large percentages of black and Latino people are going to do worse given educational and socio-economic circumstances.  One response to this problem would be to turn to underachieving black and Latino people and encourage them to become more educated so they can be competitive candidates for hire in the Silicon Valley job market.  The other response is to blame Mark Zuckerberg and discount the fact that many Asians (along with smaller numbers of blacks and Latinos) have been quite successful in Silicon Valley and that, really, people in Mark Zuckerberg's generation (read: our generation) could not care less about race.

2. Competitive intelligence sounds like fun.

3. I didn't need to read that whole thing to get the point.  Your analysis is spot on.

4. Can we finish You Just Don't Understand first?

From "fast cars, drugs and guns - oh and cities and rural areas":

1. Welcome to the Republican Party, marijuana dispensary owners.

2. Yes?

3. If Democrats complain that Republicans allegedly took advantage of the public's (erroneous) linking of Saddam Hussein to 9/11, then I think Republicans can safely complain that Democrats take advantage of the public's (erroneous) linking of short-term weather to climate change.

4. I've always liked Bruce Willis.

5. As I said before, we can add The Fast and the Furious to the top of the Netflix queue and go from there.

From "french toast":

1. I know what I want for brunch this weekend...

2. I don't buy it.

3. I'm chatting with my doctor in March about continued use of Crestor.  I'll raise it then.


french toast

making my mouth water

do you believe this? comment 1 raises a good point - why are you making a stink about it 3 years later?

i know it's not that you just started it, but one of Crestor's side effects is weight gain.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

fast cars, drugs and guns - oh and cities and rural areas

I'm not sure Repubs can claim all the positives that are mentioned in that urban vote article. But you'd like this - the first comment says that Repubs ARE better for cities but they don't go after the vote because they're too busy hating on blacks/latinos/gays.

i liked this title mainly because it was - do the unions see marijuana as a growth industry or do they like the marijuana industry because they can partake of the industry to ease their pain?

should we start watching this now?

this sounds about right. i always remember to thank global warming for unseasonably warm days in the winter.


i don't want to commit to a fast and furious marathon until we determine that we actually like the fast and the furious. and i'm not sure i can be sure of that. although i liked the end of the last one. also, the rock is in only 1 of them so far.

post-racial or just talking 'bout race

some people would see a bunch of white people, but i see a whole bunch of vaguely ethnic people in this picture. and mark zuckerberg, of course.

this is long but interesting. maybe inc. will be my next magazine.

this seems interesting in theory but annoying to read. trying to be too clever for its own good. i got annoyed while not reading it. why am i posting it?

ooh self-help books! it's kinda a wonder that i don't like oprah more. that'd be right up my alley with my other interests.


that monopoly thing caught me off guard too. who in the world picked cat? there was a helicopter on the line!

what do you mean by 'stay in your lane'? do you think cville should stop?

I totally agree with this toddler.

I don't know if I get quite as much excitement riding the train anymore as this little girl, but it's in the same ballpark.

Speaking of excitement, Bill Simmons is excited for the new Fast & Furious movie.  I still haven't seen any of them... want to do a F&F movie marathon?

This was the wrong answer, fans of Monopoly.

Stay in your lane, city of Charlottesville.

Maybe the Republican Party should spend more time courting the urban vote after all.

This story talks about the growth of Washington, DC, as a major city.


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Maybe Deion Sanders has head trauma

It's certainly one explanation for what he has been saying about concussions recently.  Now I feel bad for announcing that the Leon Sandcastle commercial was my favorite.

Federal involvement in dealing with the mentally ill has thus far been a disaster, according to the Wall Street Journal.

And comments:

1. Welcome aboard.

2. I think callers will just openly speculate that the bad guy is still on the premises ("I think I heard something!!!").

3. I'm not super-interested in talking about Michelle Obama's butt, but it seems like a losing strategy regardless.  That said, I'm over the racism stuff.  Everything isn't racist.  Everybody calm down.

4. I'm impressed that they built a mock bunker and practiced in it.

5. No?  How would it be?


different lives

it doesn't get better?

a philosophy of money i like

so according to that article, this is apparently abovethelaw for bankers?

what do you think of this?

women in the news

i don't feel bad for her anymore

i understand why you would do this, but not why you would announce it

talking about michelle obama's body is clearly about race and not the fact that she's trying to tame obesity

i can't believe this wasn't bigger news. it came somewhere after jennifer lawrence's new dress.

i don't remember if we wondered, but i certainly wondered how much american idol and reality show people get paid

is this racist?

Monday, February 4, 2013

Don't Tase Me Bro! The Youtube Series

This is another gem from the city of my birth.  This is a security guard at a downtown Atlanta mall who carries a taser, video recorder, and firearms during his patrols.  And he posts videos of his encounters on Youtube.  The one in this story is kinda crazy, but tasee (is that a word?) really did have it coming.

This is the story about law school applications that I mentioned already.

I want to buy an iPhone armband (since you reacted to my request that you buy me one with utter scorn).  Help me pick one!

Here is a Grantland writer's take on Beyonce's performance.  I will say that I would love to have one of those platforms where you can rise from below the floor.  I don't know how I would incorporate it into everyday life.  Yet.


Odds and Ends

Here is an obituary of sorts to 30 Rock.  I'm not sure I'm 100% on board, but I thought it was interesting in any case.

Chrysler and Taco Bell won the Super Bowl, according to the WSJ.

Apparently President Obama wants more revenue, though he does say it would come from limiting deductions and "closing loopholes" rather than raising rates (we'll see whether that happens).

I don't see the problem.


Friday, February 1, 2013

money money money (but also gender, privilege and parking)

more about disparate pricing

i wondered briefly if i qualified for food stamps in law school but i wouldn't be able to live with myself and my parents certainly would have killed me.

so smartrip benefits are capped at $245/month tax free for parking and though my parking lot is $280, the one across the street is $260. that's not too bad. have to run some numbers....

crimes, failures and stupid actions

what is the bgi?

more bad news for paper subscribers

is it just me or are all major chinese catastrophes somehow more epic? well i think it's not me - probably way more people are killed in china in every which way people die in america (except for shootings) so that can't be news anymore.

what do you think of this?