Thursday, February 28, 2013

Evening Edition

Anne-Marie Slaughter is coming to the defense of Yahoo! CEO Marissa Mayer for abolishing working from home.  As much as I love working from home, I find it hard to disagree with Slaughter's take.

This might be good news if you're looking for a cheap way to get an iPhone.

Have you been following the nonsense about people hating Anne Hathaway?  The New Yorker comes to her defense, but I don't understand why this is a thing in the first place.  This might relate to what I was saying about Michelle Obama earlier:  celebrity culture is all about making value judgments about the lives of others with impunity, and that's part of the fun of the whole enterprise.  I guess it's just not my scene.

This is clearly self-interest - but is it justifiable?  In other words, should we criticize Dawkins for drawing what is clearly an unpalatable distinction in his worldview (since Dawkins's position is against the existence of any divine entity, not solely against the Christian conception of God to the exclusion of the Muslim conception of God) in light of what has happened to other people who have criticized Islam, or should we all just sorta nod and wink when Dawkins says things like this, knowing what he (probably) really believes given his continued savaging of Christianity and Judaism (which apparently consist of people who won't threaten his life for his words)?  The first option seems like the most reasonable one, but at the same time, I've never been placed in a situation where my choices were intellectual consistency or safety.

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