Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Starting from the most recent post:

1. I think information is good, and more information is better, so that K&L Gates is reporting its financial information is probably a good thing for them, for prospective hires, and for the market generally.  I don't really have an argument for why firms should not disclose this sort of information, but I do fully recognize that they don't have to as private partnerships and would never push for a legal requirement of that sort.  That said, K&L Gates gets a pat on the back.

2. I imagine that Morrissey is insufferable in person.

3. China should leave Taiwan alone!

4. You should leave bears alone!

5. It's probably because the people who don't want pre-K can (at least at this point) opt out of it rather easily.  They simply don't send their kids to it, whereas the parents who need what is effectively daycare will send their kids.  I would not send my kids to pre-K if I had the option.  (That said, I also wouldn't send them to most public schools given the option.)  If universal pre-K becomes a serious policy proposal, we could see some rumblings.  And if people start talking about making it mandatory, then we'll definitely see some protests.  But I don't think it'll get that far.

6. All this for a dumb statue, of which the guy already has plenty?


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