Thursday, February 7, 2013

Zombies and Interns

Community apparently returns tonight, though Andy Greenwald isn't terribly excited now that creator Dan Harmon is gone.

DC is full of interns - way too many interns.  If you ask me, there are too many people who want to tell other people what to do (i.e. go into politics or policy) and not enough people who actually want to do stuff (i.e. engineering).  Also, supply and demand don't lie.

I thought Australia was cooler than this.  I didn't know they did this kind of nonsense.

Jay Cutler is a douchebag.  That said, his girlfriend fiancĂ©e apparently let him get away with it, so maybe it's her fault too.

If it didn't kill the battery, this would be a great idea.

Is this sexist?  I say no.



  1. It looked like a tie to me, but it was hard to see. Given the level of vitriol, I assumed it was actually a silhouette of a stripper like on those mudflaps.

    I liked this comment: "Place a nipple in the middle of the O. Problem solved!"

  2. on interning: "At the Heritage Foundation, the conservative think tank, about seven young people apply for each $7.25-an-hour intern slot." Ummm change your political leanings and apply there, kiddos. That's nearly minimum wage and the odds aren't bad. Those are the best job odds I've seen for awhile.
