Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Suck it, France!

This story made my morning.

Here is an update on the VA transportation bill (in case you don't want to click on the link, I should remind you that it could affect the sales tax rate).

Another Monsanto case is going to the Supreme Court.

Here is more commentary on the minimum wage.


1. Good for her.

2. I'm not studying for a party.  I'll just play the role of "ignorant guy."

3. There's a drinking game here.

4. That's probably an accurate criticism.  And I think it's probably because the authors don't feel as comfortable with pop culture as the average liberal.

5. Is that because of stories like this?  Also, zero tolerance is one of the many reasons why I want to send my kids to private school (i.e. one that does not use zero tolerance).

6. No comment on the lateness article?


1 comment:

  1. you're a deadliner! and i'm a producer. unless the answer you're really looking for is that you're not usually late. =P

    i didn't think of a particular story for the zero tolerance story - just that i heard them talk about it generally on wtop and they were getting reactions and i just couldn't imagine someone coming on and saying - yeah, that sounds like a good idea. kids shouldn't shoot imaginary guns - or they'll become serial killers!
