Monday, December 31, 2012

why dems don't give to charities, perhaps

apps for ringing in the new year

wouldn't it be hilarious if i wore any of these outfits for new year's eve?

Friday, December 28, 2012

For your ears


Santigold - Disparate Youth

Kavinsky - Nightcall

Thursday, December 27, 2012


I think lying is too strong with respect to the debt, but it is problematic.  It's like the difference between Repbulicans and Democrats with respect to charity.  Many Republicans have social causes they believe in, and they ask for donations or donate themselves to these causes.  But Democrats often look to government solutions while not giving nearly the same amount voluntarily.  I don't understand why this is the case (e.g. why Democrats don't just make efforts to fund Planned Parenthood through charity instead of bitching and moaning over a fairly small amount of government help).

People keep talking about how other countries have way stricter gun control and have far less violent crime, but I think these statements are problematic - here is an article describing this.

I saw the reaction of the dad getting BCS National Championship Game tickets on Sportscenter.  It was amazing.  You could see him cycling through emotions of confusion, surprise, disbelief, joy, thankfulness, etc.

Would you go to a Louis CK show?  Also, have you ever been to Baltimore's Inner Harbor?  I'm told it's pretty nice.

This is strike three (I don't know how many strikes he had before this - probably 47) for Piers Morgan.  From everything he's saying, he doesn't want to be here, and we don't want him to be here... bye bye?

Psychology is complicated.

I've only tried one of these, so something to do in 2013?

children's obesity solved

as if we needed more proof that people are totally lying when they say they want to pay higher taxes. i wonder who these other people are who gave willingly of their own money to pay down the debt.

i heard on the radio that louis ck is going to be in the area for new year's. it says that ticket prices are $45 because he capped them. how much would they normally be? that seems awfully high. unfortunately, it's in baltimore.

the resilience doughnut

i saw this article on psychology today and wanted to read it but couldn't find it before

top 5 psychology findings of the year

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

the shopping issue

you said you wanted to buy new music in the new year. and here's how you can save money doing it. best buy is selling itunes gift cards for 15% off, free shipping and 2.5% back from ebates. If you buy $200 worth of gift cards - which could probably cover you for 12 months of albums and some tv shows - you'd save a little over $30.

i'll admit i only noticed the above while looking for a tv. =P

skins/cowboys tickets are currently at $69 for the lowest. still holding out hope for free ones. if i get them, i expect at least as good a reaction as this dad

a pre new year's song. did i already show this to you?

and while we're at it, a look back at the year in music.

and some other songs to check out since you want to be indie-conscious.

something interesting to think about. i will label it - pharmaceuticals yay.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

There's not a lot of news on Christmas...

But we can start getting pumped up for Sunday night's game!  As you know, it's winner-take-all.

This might be because of my own biases, but that letter seems real.  It certainly does not describe conditions that seem extraordinary or implausible, according to the other sources quoted in the article.  Also, the English is sufficiently terrible in a way that seems hard to replicate by an American.  I don't know... it's heartbreaking if it's real, though.  Someone took a huge risk to write that letter and send it here, and his reward is people speculating on Facebook whether it's real.  (As a note, I first tried to open the link on my phone, and the page said the link was no longer available, so I had a snarky comment about how apparently it was not.)

The Yahoo article is definitely not real, though.

As for your secretary, I would say that she views you as too junior to pay much attention to, and her position is probably reinforced by the fact that junior associates often underutilize their secretaries.  As a result, your requests fall to the bottom of her list.  It might be useful to try to make time to chat with her or try to use her for time-sensitive requests more often, if only to establish that she is your secretary and she has to pay attention to you.  It seems kinda wrong for her not to pay attention to you, but the problem is that she can get away with it since you are so junior.  But you need your secretary and will only need her more as you get more senior, so you have to get her either to like you or to respect you enough to pay attention to what you need.  Believe it or not, this problem is not especially uncommon with secretaries, and it's our first lesson in how to manage people.  My current secretary is amazing and incredibly helpful, but my secretary last summer was not especially interested in going out of her way to do extra work.

(I would like to note that I do in fact view her behavior as problematic - I'm not rationalizing or justifying what she's doing.  I'm just noting that this is a common problem, and if my suggestions don't work, then you should definitely note it in her reviews and/or tell her superiors that she is terrible.)

On that note, Merry Christmas!


Monday, December 24, 2012

eva longoria? you'd think real kids would ask for selena gomez.

speaking of hoaxes, do you think this is real?

or this?

so i keep forgetting to tell you. i waited till the end of the day to give my secretary her gift because i knew she was staying till the end. around 12pm i sent her a request to draft my itinerary. come 5ish, still not sent out. i give her my gift around 5:25 and she's like oh thanks! i should draft your itinerary!

so it's not like she didn't get my email.....what do you think of this?
you'd really like this. surprised you haven't sent it to me already.

i think that susan rice thing didn't really confirm or deny anything already. i don't doubt her intelligence or hard work ethic, her ability to see and experience Rwandan atrocities. but just having intelligence and experience aren't always enough. sometimes you gotta look at results and improvements and i'm not sure there are any good ones. also "The thought of Susan mindlessly parroting party talking points is laughable.

" so i guess he's saying that she read the information and came up with the wrong conclusion to use on sunday talk shows or that she was mindFULLY parroting party talking points. either way not comforting.

i don't agree with this but i think it's an interesting topic

you never gave me your chikfila ticket, right? i guess i still have mine.

spicy hot cocoa?

i have noticed that i cough more when i drink carbonated beverages but i've chosen to ignore it. maybe i can switch to this.

i think i need to revamp my magazines. tired of vogue but since i never subscribed, i don't know how to cancel. tired of cosmo but my subscription ran out and i'm still receiving it. real simple is perfectly pleasant but not that exciting or inspiring. i still love wholeliving. thoughts? suggestions?

Tim Tebow has had enough.

According to reports, Tim Tebow was pissed when third-string quarterback Greg McElroy was named starter over him, and as a result, he told Rex Ryan he wouldn't run the Wildcat offense anymore.

Some teams have weird, lesser gimmicks for giving away fast food to fans.  Speaking of which, have you gotten the Chick-fil-A sandwiches yet?

Here is a conservative defense of Susan Rice.  Well, I tend to think that it's just someone who is conservative and who worked with her (and is thus biased).  That said, I'm sure there's some truth to it.

My birthday is coming up...

Merry Christmas Eve!


Friday, December 21, 2012

that ny times piece is horribly written

both were clearly racist but i actually think rob parker's critique of rgiii made more sense. kinda embarrassing for a professor to write so muddled-ly.

ok so adolf's bias is clear: "thinly veiled racism of tea-party" and "Republicans’ desperate need to woo (or at least appear to woo) minority voters" etc.

but i had no idea what his point was. i realize i looked at this too long but i kinda wanted to figure it out. i mean this is a poli sci prof at upenn!

so half the article seemed pretty laudatory. minority appointing minority, whatever. racist tea party put up the money for black republican's campaign against 2 white people. but then, what was the rest of it about?

is it, hey repubs, get in line with black people's interests or you're going to lose more elections? that might be true but he just got appointed - his election is not for 2 years.

it could be, white people are willing to vote for black people but black people won't vote for any color of republicans. conclusion: white republicans are racist. but we've heard that before.

or: when republicans have appointed black people, they did so with some sort of political agenda (but unlike democratic politicians, their agenda was not diversity, so it was evil). the logical conclusion would be: this must be advancing some form of agenda for nikki haley - but that wouldn't look good because she's a minority woman. adolf's conclusion: white racist republicans appointed scott for tokenist reasons.

or: maybe this is good news from the republican party but since there are other things that are easier to call racist, let's bring those up and talk about poll taxes.

i had to look elsewhere to find what other people considered his point: "the appointment [was] as an empty gesture made to silence critics and not a genuine attempt to diversify the GOP." so basically he's saying, democrats clearly consider race, but it's ok because they're trying to diversify. republicans must have been thinking about race (no citation) but they're not interested in diversity (no citation); they're only interested in empty gestures (because if they were serious about diversity, they would have picked a black democrat).

i guess the real question is: what's the difference between a token and a sign of progress? and can't a token lead to progress?

Post-Jersey Shore

Two thoughts on the Jersey Shore post:

1. Vinny is getting a show?  That might be the most interesting of the bunch.
2. Ronnie and Sammi are going NOWHERE.  It's funny how Ronnie thinks he can be an actor, but do you remember his commericals?  He was so flat in them.

I'm generally a fan of the NRA, but this proposal seems far-fetched.  That said, this seems a little out of line as well.

To the gym!


other links

so this is how networking works

haven't read yet but seems interesting

it hadn't struck me till now that it's actually gone

This article makes me mildly annoyed.

But it's in the NY Times opinion section, so that should be no surprise.

That Gen Y article sounded like a bunch of whining.  I'm waiting for the people who take lemons and make lemonade.  Whatever happened to creativity?  (And yes, I'm typing all of this from my traditional job with a high salary and amazing benefits.)

I don't know what to make of the higher taxes = happiness article.  I would question how exactly they controlled for income.

I'm hungry...


why is the news so sad today?

in the words of whomever sings that song, don't they know it's christmas time at all?

anyway, this was sad but no new news there.

i saw an article - best quotes from models - and it had a picture of Miranda Kerr who I heart for her organic lifestyle. so i clicked but it was a huffpo article featuring quotes from models that were interpreted to mean that they were terrible people. like gisele's defense of tom brady at the superbowl ("oh but if we could all have handsome quarterback husbands to defend, thereby negating anything she says ever, and i'm not at all a gisele or tom brady fan). or janice dickenson saying that her wedding would make brangelina's look like a court ceremony (which i find funny more than arrogant but i guess some people find wedding trash talk to be the epitome of hubris - hey, she didn't say her marriage would last- just that the bash will be ridiculous and i see no problem with that). morale: women are catty. male models don't have these problems. anyway, no links.

this was surprising and perhaps happy but likely wrong. there's a link to the study and in the future, i intend on reading it and seeing if there's a new york times/maddow effect on the article - that is, reporting that a study says something it absolutely does not, based on a lack of reading comprehension or lack of care for facts and integrity.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

I'm following the Redskins for you.

Here's the case for why the Redskins will make the playoffs.

Also, RGIII is slated to return this week against the Eagles.

ESPN decided to suspend Rob Parker for 30 days.  I was going to make a joke about how they should probably suspend him upside down by his ankles from a high place while he held a ridiculous sign, but that is sufficiently close to being racially insensitive that I will decline.

Remember Joshua Gomes?  Well, he was sentenced to 10 years of good behavior.  You are an attorney licensed in the state of Virginia, so in your esteemed legal opinion, what the heck is that?

Fiscal cliff bad news: the Senate is peacing out until after Christmas.


RGIII is Human!

Either that or Adidas pays his fines for him.

If you haven't finished your Christmas shopping for me, here's an idea.

Another Grantland post about Arrested Development.

I kinda want to see this movie.  And you do too.

I like this idea.

I looked at this list of songs of the year from Grantland and realized that I have a long way to go before I'm anywhere close to cool.  It might be better just to call it a day and turn the Zeppelin back on.

Apparently our favorite brewery is being featured at a charity event today at Meridian Pint.

When are we going to PX?


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

My Person of the Year?

I'm not generally a fan of this because either you have to go with Captain Obvious or someone obscure (which makes you sound like a hipster), but I'd probably pick Paul Ryan.  He started talking about entitlement reform and didn't get electrocuted by what is normally the third rail of politics.  I guess I think entitlement reform is the biggest political issue right now, so I applaud his bravery (or recklessness).  Oh, and my runner-up is another Ryan... Matt Ryan. :)

It appears that someone else is not a big fan of Zero Dark Thirty.

Rob Parker apologized.  For whatever that's worth...

Eventually RGIII will be back behind center for the Redskins.  When that happens, what will that mean for Kirk Cousins?

One of the reasons I don't like watching cable news anymore is that it often sounds like an echo chamber.  They are just obviously not thinking about what they're saying (either that or the thinking is at such a low level that it barely deserves to be called that).  It gets to the point where it resembles a team sport, and I prefer that my sports be fought over things that don't matter, e.g. carrying an oval-shaped ball across a series of arbitrary lines.

As for the obesity stuff, I wish I could get on board with this latest theory re bacteria because it would be an easy explanation for the fact that we've so far appeared to be quite stupid in figuring out why people get fat and stay fat despite billions of dollars being spent on "healthier" food and exercise gimmicks, but I fear that the science still has a long way to go before we can be certain.  I would optimistically hope for 10 years, but I fear that 25 may be more realistic.

Happy hour possibilities:

1. Rock Bottom, Ballston - $1.50 drafts until 7 pm
1a. Union Jack's, Ballston - something similar, but I don't remember what
2. Brasserie Beck, downtown - half-price drafts (based on the Internet)
3. Tuscana West - free food (right?)
4. Find our favorite bar/restaurant in town and hope that they have specials

What say you?


obesity and the person of the year

Barry Glassner and Jeni may have been right

i thought this comment was interesting: "I just finished "Wheat Belly", by Dr William Davis. This cardiologist presents a strong case that the modern strains of wheat products are the primary culprit in obesity and a huge number of attendant illnesses. Cut out "your daily bread", and you'll lose weight without counting calories, and those mysterious afflictions will likely disappear as well. He explains why in great detail.

I highly recommend that readers get this book and decide for themselves. I've known for some time that carbs in general are not good for the human diet -- we are still hunter-gatherers metabolically. I did NOT realize that modern wheat does very strange things to the body and in fact is a more powerful than table sugar in causing blood sugar to spike."

this while i'm eating my 2nd bagel....

also: Obes Res. 1997 Sep;5(5):464-9.
Association of adenovirus infection with human obesity.
Dhurandhar NV, Kulkarni PR, Ajinkya SM, Sherikar AA, Atkinson RL.
Department of Medicine, University of Wisconsin, Madison 53706, USA.

possible persons of the year: that malala girl who was shot in the face, gabby douglas, rgiii, chris stephens, kate middleton, channing tatum, anne hathaway, mitt romney, justin bieber.

how about this for person of the year?

i saw on msnbc - sorry i ref it so much but sometimes i need to get a capuccino and it's hard to ignore the ridiculousness - that these commentators were like "Obama said to repubs, i won. but it seems that these repubs are just being difficult just because it's obama." and i thought - yeah, if you lead with 'i won' it's hard not to understand why people wouldn't just fall into line willingly. also, they tried to make the case that since obama is time's person of the year, this is more of a mandate. ummm dubya was also time's person of the year twice. and hitler was a person of the year once. also, why would anyone consider anything that time says a mandate.


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

It's not Tebow Time

Even though Mark Sanchez is being benched, the Jets have decided to name Greg McElroy the new starter.  Sad for Tebow... though here is another possibility for where he could go.

I kinda feel the same way about what's currently been proposed with respect to the budget deal.

I'm just going to post this here and note that I watched it and took notes.

The cheapest tickets for Les Mis at the National Theatre are $55 each.

Help me pick some new songs!  I've started a list:

1. Metric - "Breathing Underwater"
2. Animal Kingdom - "Strange Attractor"
3. ...


Monday, December 17, 2012

So Little to Do, So Much Time

First, a little article about how well your Redskins are playing.

I saw this article about gun control in the Atlantic and found myself agreeing in general.  I also found myself agreeing with this article about gun control, but it was in the Wall Street Journal, so no big surprise.

And then there's James Taranto's take on the parallels between the First and Second Amendments with respect to the risks they create.

First, the critics said that we had a lousy team.  And then we beat the Broncos on Monday night.  Then they said that Peyton Manning was not yet Peyton Manning and we couldn't trust it.  So we beat the Saints.  Then they said that the Saints game was alright, but we needed a statement game where played well all four quarters.  So I was happy to see this article about the Falcons - we finally got our statement win!  What can the critics say now?  Oh, I don't know... how about that statement wins don't matter?

And I think we quasi-predicted this:  Morgan Freeman has denied that he made the statement I read to you from Facebook.

Let's talk about these!

And finally, the question I posed: should I throw my bonus at my loans or at my Roth IRA?


Saturday, December 15, 2012

Weekend Edition!

This is from - it takes on the question of why liberals don't get on board with means-testing entitlement programs (something that would really help in deficit talks).

I can't let you be the only one posting stuff from Rush Limbaugh - his take on how liberals have responded to the horrible events in Newtown, CT.

I watched a clip of what Rob Parker said, and I've changed my mind.  He should be fired.


Friday, December 14, 2012


I am thoroughly confused by those Arrested Development comments - so much so that I don't want to talk about them at all.

So... guess who's in the running for an All-Star Game slot?

That Hong Kong airline article makes us look terrible.  But it also makes them look ridiculous.  At the end of the day, I don't think the passengers are going to revolt if the flight attendants only do an above average job instead of the best job of all time.

That conversation about RGIII sounds absolutely retarded.  He's clearly handled the questions with such a degree of class, thoughfulness, and honesty that I find it hard to believe that there is still anything to talk about.  But there is because, in today's society, for some reason it's not enough just to be successful if you're black.  Tons of people who are black or mixed (and partially black) are absolutely reviled in certain circles (we'll call them the barbershop circles for ease of identification) because they don't "stay true" to the barbershop circles' understanding or interpretation of what it means to be black.  For examples, see Clarence Thomas or Stacey Dash.  And, by the way, it's not just putting your foot in your mouth or doing something stupid that gets you in trouble.  It's a failure to behave a certain way or believe certain things.  And it's so-called treacherous acts like supporting a Republican or marrying a non-black person.

I honestly can't find a single thing wrong with RGIII - either his play on the field or his behavior off the field - that is worth having this discussion.  But these people will continue to do so because people like RGIII (in their minds) work against what they want, which is this cohesive, homogenous black culture that believes certain things and falls in line.  It's terrible.  It's what so many people I've encountered (e.g. my dad) believed, and when I tell them I think they're wrong, all of a sudden I've betrayed Black People.  Well, they've betrayed their own individuality and their own integrity by buying into such a ridiculous collectivist notion.  I'd rather be called an Oreo than buy into their garbage.


the best thing about that arrested development article

well, besides the fact that it wasn't bad news, were the comments:

"so basically, they prematurely shot their wad on what was supposed to be a dry run and now it seems they have a bit of a mess on 
their hands."

"taste the happy!""it tastes a whole lot like sad."

"this news is like getting a banger in the mouth." "in america, it's called a sausage in the mouth." "no, actually we just call it sausage."

so this morning i thought

hmmm i wonder what's going to be on the headline of the drudge report? i bet it's susan rice. i wasn't expecting there to be discussion on rgiii's blackness. he comes from the same gabby douglas mold, which is always refreshing. this might be racist of me but his fiancee isn't that pretty.

i don't know why people wanted to kill AND castrate bieber. shouldn't they just cut his hair - the source of all his power?

gotta say, hong kong unions seem nicer? no it's not that. it's just that american employees gave up smiling a long time ago and it wasn't because they were protesting their treatment. this will probably hurt cathay in asia since they have a lot of really nice airlines with nice stewardesses. it will probably lead americans to think - there's still an airline with smiling employees that serves food?

" if you were to deny a promotion to everyone who misspeaks or gets something wrong on Sunday television, including all of us, there would be no one left in Washington." and the problem with no one left in washington, would be?

sorry i missed your call but i had been in bed by at least an hour when you called and i had no idea when you were going to call. i was very tired.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Saints

Apparently the rationale is that it was all the coaches' fault.  I haven't read Paul Tagliabue's ruling yet, but that would generally be my position if I didn't hate the Saints so much.

Here's an update on Arrested Development.  Will we be able to resist watching all of them at once?  Do we even want to resist?

Try to stay calm...

I saw what Cory Booker did and was just mystified.  What is he doing?  He wouldn't last 2 weeks on the streets.  Where it's real.  But seriously, I would have thought that he could handle grocery shopping for himself on a budget.

I enjoyed the shaming articles.  I'm waiting for the law that says that you can't leave if you make above a certain amount, and when those people stop making as much money, the law that forces them to work hard, and if they resist, then the government takes all their money.  You know, like slavery.

If that's what the monument said, then the King Family would be out of business.  They make their money off the legacy of their dear old dad, and when people start deciding that racism is over, then they get to try the Food Stamp Challenge, except it'll just be having to use food stamps because they're poor.

Two thoughts on the lady with cocaine breast implants:

1. What if they were wrong?  That lady could have sued the hell out of them.

2. Isn't this just an excuse for TSA agents to, um, honka honka? :)  I totally agree that this woman was a plant.


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

you probably read these but these are my takes on them

you still can't be pro-AIDS but i guess you can be pro-hiv

i kinda think tsa just made this up to allow for even MORE invasive searching procedures. but so long as they don't investigate my chocolate caramels, i guess i'm ok.

a lot of shaming going on. rich people in france and james blunt. i mean, it is a little unpatriotic(?) to leave your country and take citizenship in another but james blunt served in the british military and gerard depardieu starred in greencard- that has to count for something.

how have we unlocked the mystery of homosexuality but not obesity yet? one seemed more difficult than the other.

why didn't they just write "'I had a dream"....and now that dream has come true!" next to an even bigger sculpture of president obama? better than a stupid paraphrase that they have to take down.

not sure i can watch django with all the n-words.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

we're being watched

it's like they're listening in on our conversations

why can't normal people ever take the food stamp challenge? "he spent most of his $33 budget on several cans of beans, a large bottle of olive oil, broccoli, cauliflower, sweet potatoes and bags of salad. "

what they don'tThe film, while a lock for Oscar nominations, is also drawing fire for the way in which it portrays the CIA as using torture as a means for obtaining information

Monday, December 10, 2012

Make time

I thought this was an interesting take on the idea that marginal tax rates used to be ridiculously high on the top earners.

My friends at IJ wrote this opinion piece about how stupid Virginia's happy hour laws are.


Friday, December 7, 2012

guess i didn't need to bring lunch

apparently lunch with joe and kate today, after being reamed out.

my yogurt smelled weird. your liberte may be fine but we might need to toss the voskos. harris teeter! *shakes fist*

i tried to find something else from the newyorker that you might like dice.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

I thought this was cute...

Not only did Jay-Z ride the subway to the Barclay's Center to perform at his concert there, but also he chatted with a nice lady who had no idea who he was.
Responses to your other posts:

1. That New Year's thing sounds incredible - maybe next year (i.e. 2013/14)?

2. My general rule is I'm going to get a house before I get a safe, which probably means I'm going to get a house before I get a gun.  Probably.

3. I mostly agree with what Harvey Mansfield is saying, though I obviously recognize that there are a lot of people out there who have had bad luck.

4. I saw the list of failed movies.  I know I'm not Middle America, but still I'm not surprised because I didn't want to see any of them.

5. Susan Rice sounds terrible at her job and every other job she's had.

6. We didn't go to the Borough Market, did we?


eating bulgogi rice bowl from what the pho food truck

didn't get enough sriracha. next time.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I'm catching up!

Since you're on the road, I thought you might like some stories from Yahoo:

PSY has made bank on "Gangnam Style."  The best part: the stock price of DI Corp., a company in which his dad, uncle, and grandmother own stock, is now worth double what it used to be because of this song.

Also, I no longer have any respect for the New York Post for using this picture on its front page.

Grantland is nice because I get plenty of interesting sports stuff but also articles about Ke$ha.

Also, I couldn't disagree more with Katrina vanden Heuvel in her suggestion of making public college free.

The Get Rich Slowly story about the girl dealing with the boom and bust cycles was interesting and reminds me of my little brother - and even of my mom a little bit.  Also, I had a conversation with my boss from my Party City job about what I was getting paid, and he said something like, "With what you're making that's $5 per day to spend."  He was right on the math - if you took my average bi-weekly paycheck (after taxes) and divided by 14, it came out to about $5.  But the thing that got me at the time was that he expected that I would spend about $5 per day.  That was crazy to me because I would never have anything saved up if I did that.  It was also a very small amount of money (for comparison's sake, today my take-home pay is about $250 per day).

The new Jordans aren't hideous.  Just his wardrobe.


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

on higher education

so tenese thought the SEED school was for troubled teens but it's actually open to all of D.C. to which she said, is that the state of DC children's education today? ahh to not know what dcps is like. although 94% or so of those kids get accepted to 4-year colleges. colleges are clearly too easy to get in to.

althoughAs the National Commission on Adult Literacy reports, “The US is the only country among 30 OECD free-market countries where the current generation is less well educated than the previous one.” 

and then, what are we getting at college anyway? 

another article about FIRE. AND for many reasons why we could never go to Drexel: Drexel University forbade “inappropriately directed laughter.”

some notable quotables

Why would a noted scientist spontaneously decide to pull off his helmet minutes after walking out onto an alien planet? Why didn't anyone seem concerned about Noomi Rapace's character when she appeared in the spaceship covered in blood and with a bunch of staples in her gut? Why did Charlize Theron not run out of the path of that giant rolling doughnut-shaped spacecraft? Why? Why? Why?

As for the food [at Cheesecake factory]—can I say this without losing forever my chance of getting a reservation at Per Se?—it was delicious.

you will hate me but i didn't think this was bad looking.
it should really be called "falling up" like that shel shilverstein book. but i guess she is more actively pursuing it than to be called falling.

yum on the go

kinda what i was thinking yesterday at tutoring.

"So Republicans need their cultural arguments to oppose the Democrats', to say that goodness or justice in our country is not merely the transfer of resources to the poor and vulnerable. We have to take measures to teach the poor and vulnerable to become a little more independent and to prize independence, and not just live for a government check. That means self-government within each self, and where are you going to get that except with morality, responsibility and religion?"

is she a lesbanim?


new year's?

Monday, December 3, 2012

more interesting than i thought it'd be. my favorite line, "a Cowboys-Eagles game is a safe and risk-free way to avoid the horrors of the world by focusing instead on the horrors of two mediocre NFC East franchises." even in our cafeteria, i heard someone say - "people kill people, not guns. "

and this was linked in that article.

The new Chase categories are...

Terrible.  For January-March 2013, it's gas stations, drugstores, and Starbucks.  That's all fine, but there's no way I'm going to get anywhere near $1,500 in spending for those.  Also, while restaurants are a category in the second quarter, groceries are nowhere to be found, and there are no travel categories (e.g. hotels, airlines) other than gas stations.  Lame.

Mel Kiper, Jr., has Manti Te'o has his second-best prospect for the upcoming draft.  That doesn't mean he'll get drafted second (since middle linebackers are not valued as highly as quarterbacks, offensive lineman, pass rushers, and certain other positions), but it likely means he's going somewhere in the first round.

I've decided what I want to get you for Christmas, but I'm not sure if you actually want it anymore.


Friday, November 30, 2012

not sure if this warms your heart or not. it's interesting in any case. but it makes me hungry.

just like talking about lobster rolls. mmmmm.

does this count as a good breathing exercise?
"This exercise calms your nervous system. Do it at least twice a day, more often if something upsetting happens or if you are having trouble falling asleep. Place the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth behind your upper front teeth. Exhale through your mouth making a whoosh sound. Inhale through your nose to a count of 4, hold your breath for a count of 7, and exhale with a whoosh through your mouth to a count of 8. Repeat this cycle four times."

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Yay lunch!

Was the lobster roll better or worse than the place in Georgetown?  I kinda want another one...

I think real life, not politics, has made you... less charitable in spirit, I'll say.  But guess what - when you are dealing with the rigors of real life and you see other people just slacking, it can be a little aggravating.  You give plenty to those less fortunate, and you shouldn't forget that.

Speaking of real life and making money, I hope you noticed this with respect to the AMT.

More RGIII news: move over Peyton Manning!

Is the USPS using Lena Dunham's definition of self-sufficient?

my lunch was great!

all that time scrimping and saving by bringing in lunch and then i shell out $24 for a Connecticut style lobster roll, new england clam chowder and hot apple cider. but then again, i spent like $150 on our thanksgiving dinner so this isn't exactly scrimp and save week in the food budget anyway.

politics has made me mean. i mean, normally when people ask me for money, i've learned to say 'no' because i don't want to encourage people to bug people for money. but now i'm like, no! and i earned it! and get a job! and get away from me!

it doesn't help when you're at the food trucks - where people are fighting the regulations just to provide a really helpful service and make hopefully enough money to live on. but then again, i was at the lobster roll food truck. we loaded.

gifts for xmas

but not for you because i wouldn't discuss that with you over blog.

i'm thinking of getting my brother an ipad and my parents an apple tv. all my parents ever do is watch their favorite chinese tv show on youtube on their now broken computer. but i think on apple tv you can just watch youtube stuff on your tv, right? do i need to buy special cords or something for this to work?

the other problem is that the living room doesn't get great wifi connectivity but i think that could/should be changed by my brother moving the modem. it gets very bad connectivity in my room as well and that seems silly. if there's no computer anymore, then the modem doesn't need to be in the bottom living room anymore.

my xmas shopping list is going to be pricey this year!

do these strikes ever work?

now fast food workers demanding $15/hour“In this job having a union would really be a dream come true....” then again, uva workers make a killing so it could happen.

2 powerball winners. but you weren't one of them. =( unless your secretary bought the tickets in a really far away state.

USPS: "We're 100% self-sufficient...." [even as we lose $15.9B per year]

so maybe this was why the clintons were helping the obamas? another bailout coming.

pre-game - i didn't realize this at first but it was done by airport workers. where in the world did they get eggs? did they get that through tsa?

maybe some new workout songs to try out?

that economist article

does this improve our understanding of obesity?

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

More support for RGIII

Some think he'll beat out Andrew Luck for Rookie of the Year.

Here's a paean to dumplings in New York.

More on the Acela Club at the Verizon Center.  Get excited!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

You jumped the gun...

...On my last post, but I have a couple of nuggets.

Would you believe Joseph Gordon-Levitt as the next Batman?

This is an interesting take on the Grover Norquist tax pledge.  I've always thought pledges like this are dumb, but as they go, this is one I could potentially get behind.  It's kinda sad that Grover is taking the heat for this, though.  As the article says, he didn't make anyone sign it.

Neat stat: Notre Dame is the first school to be ranked #1 in the BCS and #1 in the NCAA Graduation Success Rate rankings.

I'm glad I have stainless steel and cast iron pans.  That's the good stuff.

Btw, not to toot my own horn, but I made the same point about the Susan Rice situation already.  I have things to contribute!

Can we declare a moratorium on superhero movies for the next 12 months?

I've created a monster...

So first you start posting stuff from the Wall Street Journal, then you send me something from Michelle Malkin, and then you post what is arguably a "traditional values" column from National Review, and then I discover a Rush Limbaugh tab open on my computer?  I'm so proud...

damn it never occurred to me to look up prescription coupons.

i always thought ke$ha was a good sort. now others think so too.

oh science.

i saw this story: "Everything you need to know about Iron Man 3 and Thor: The Dark World!" and was kinda hoping (i didn't click on it) but that if i clicked on it, there would be a blank page with the word "nothing" written on it.

this was better than i thought it'd be.

Monday, November 26, 2012


this is not the actual reason i dislike the tv show, girls, but it's probably why i dislike sex and the city.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

i updated the previous post

to include the word "ending": so it reads:

my causes are "prisoner reading material, ending human trafficking, employment justice and ending homelessness" rather than supporting human trafficking and homelessness. just to be clear.

Thanksgiving menu

I looked at all the ham recipes and I liked the Honey Baked Ham the best. So how about:

Serrano ham and manchego croquettes.

Honey Baked Ham

Zaytinya's brussel sprouts
Green Bean casserole
Stovetop stuffing (hey, I like it)
Garlic mashed potatoes

Bourbon and Ginger Punch

and ......something for dessert!

My Vote

My vote would be for the Polaris Project.  I don't know what those charities say about you, but I'm pretty sure human trafficking is really bad.

I think your solution for the Norway killer is a good compromise.

I wasn't planning on getting my WSJ subscription until the new year (where the deduction will be a lot more helpful).  But you can use it when I do - maybe I can find a monthly subscription until 2013?

I read the article about Obamacare's implementation.  I anticipate reading lots of articles about how we should boycott Florida or Texas or wherever for their decision not to implement Obamacare.  In any case, it seems like an interesting idea, but we'll see how far it goes.

I read stories in the 2000s about how tourism was not particularly affected during Bush's tenure.  I don't know - I think it's a lot of hot air.  Europeans are more liberal and generally prefer the Democrats, but plenty of Europeans still love America (and some hate it).  I think it was just one of those media things (like how the Tea Party is racist) that developed its own momentum.

Graffiato made this list of best Top Chef restaurants.

What's the plan for tomorrow?

re: the norway mass killer

there's a point where being nice to your prisoners goes too far. norway is about 5 points past that point.

also, i think the death penalty would be too easy. maybe he should be starved to death while watching video footage of his own complaints.

also, i'm not saying that we should be willing to pay the price of an obama administration for marginally better feeling from other countries' citizens. i mean, those people don't really make policy. but maybe more people come over to america for tourism? i dunno, the popularity of kate middleton probably makes london seem more enticing. also, it may help u.s. tourists from getting "bush sucks" told to them repeatedly. that and $4 might get you something at starbucks.

if you get a wsj subscription, can i use your online credentials? how am i going to know what tax moves to make before the year is over?

what do you think of this?
i already heave karmin's brokenhearted. i thought you were there when i bought it.

so i've got maybe $1500 for charities. these are the charities i've worked with in the past that i think are deserving and as far as i can tell, they are seriously barebones, though i'd be welcome to new ideas.

DC Books to Prisons - this is the most low-budget charity ever. books are all donations. i think they're housed for free in a church. we use paper bags from trader joe's as wrapping paper and honestly, the woman in charge was showing us how to use as little tape as possible while maintaining package security. i really admired their stinginess.

polaris project

The Employment Justice Center

Carpenter's Shelter

So what does this say about me? are prisoner reading material, ending human trafficking, employment justice and ending homelessness the most important causes that i could support in 2012?

Friday, November 23, 2012

Can we please shoot this guy?

Because I really think the death penalty would be appropriate for him.
I was mostly thinking about the $500 leather briefcase and the framed picture of the beard.  I don't think I could pull it off, but maybe that's the problem.  Maybe I have to think that I can pull it off so that I can pull it off.  Some of the Father's Day gifts looked okay.  What does that say about me...?

Is it because single girls don't want to live in squalor?

You can shop as much as you want.  I like going shopping with you.

When you post things from blogs, you should post to the specific link because now I don't know what you're referring to.

What does "better graces" translate to?  Fewer people in the Middle East and North Africa killing us?  (No.)  More harmony in the Middle East?  (No.)  More harmony with European leaders?  Ok, that and a $5 will buy you a latte at Starbucks.

Looking at my recent Youtube history:
1. Jaco Pastorius - "Portrait of Tracy"
2. Incubus - "Dig"
3. Karmin - "Brokenhearted"
4. Ke$ha - "Die Young" (though I believe the hat tip belongs to you)

Oh, and for the record, I am not at all disappointed that a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving beat out X-Factor.

which gifts are too cool for you? i don't remember any hipster gifts. i was trying to think of an example but i don't know what one gets for the person who is just too cool for anything. it's like gifts for the person who has everything but who also has disdain for everything.

i got $2 in amazon credit. any songs you'd recommend? do you know anything about spotify?

i love comparing my spending habits with others. it's pretty shocking what women are spending on housing. is it because they earn 70% of what men earn? =P

i don't think you particularly judge me for all my shopping and/or my love for shopping, but in case you come across someone who does - just let them know that i'm improving my community. it doesn't really explain the online shopping though.

i know what we're having monday lunch.

more proof that x-factor is not popular.

you can post uncheery stories so long as you post cheery pictures. like this.

i'm not actually sure you'd like this but i wanted to bookmark this for myself.

and although i'm clearly not obama's biggest fan, i think we are in better graces than with the rest of the world than before. (maybe it helps that people don't like the middle east and europe is falling apart). these little gaffes and maybe greeting obama like a servant don't mean they don't like america. they just might think we're stupid.

Ham recipes

Just some possibilities:

Thursday, November 22, 2012

This is definitely not cheery...

But if Obama can't even keep his promise to a pardoned turkey, then can he be trusted at all?

Here's an idea.  Something tells me the Senate won't be quite as excited (as Paula Broadwell).

I don't think all that crying will help him when he gets to jail.

Here's an interesting take on Obama's recent trip to Southeast Asia.  I think he needs some better advisors.  But I feel like I read so many of these stories in Obama's first term (e.g. giving the Queen an iPod, bowing to some monarch somewhere) that undermine the line that America is back in good graces with the rest of the world.  Is it because we constantly kowtow to countries that don't like us and alienate our allies?

Some of the Fab Sugar gift ideas seemed pretty cool, but others seemed too cool for me.  Maybe that's the problem - maybe I need to step up and be cooler?  (The iPod "speakers" seem pretty awesome, though.)


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

but is this cheery?

10 things i don't get about guys


i want cheerier stories

but i will respond that a comparison to catch-22 is still flattering - even if it's anti-war, which catch-22 is. there's no saying whether this new book isn't funny.

also, i feel that i'm demanding a lot from our blog - different sources, cheerier stories. but that doesn't mean you can't also demand things.

protect your cross-bows!

i want to be faster

so tis the season for gift guides. i actually like the suggestions here (also here) and have often found gift guides helpful in coming up with general ideas (clothing!, electronics!) if not the actual gift. but it does seem awfully strange to think, hmmm, i have a guy on my list. what do all guys want? they wouldn't do that for women because it's stereotypical.

this is why window shopping at neiman marcus is fun.

recipes from zaytinya:
shrimp with dill
crispy brussel sprouts

very delicious sounding tips for cooking a turkey

couldn't find a place to get deep fried turkey. apparently georgia brown's had it in the past but this year, i'm not seeing any takeout possibilities. we could just eat fried chicken.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Working my way up: Part 2

I read the description of the book, and it didn't sound that interesting.  In fact, it sounded as if the book was just the antiwar elements of Catch-22 with no guarantee of comedic genius.  Catch-22 was funny as hell and a great read (in my view in spite of the antiwar stuff).

Voter fraud is real.

Also, congratulations!  Because you posted an article from Michelle Malkin, you are officially One of Us!  One of us!  One of us!

Because we heard it from the man himself, I thought I'd post the New York Times editorial board's response to Justice Alito's remarks.

Racist word of the week: incompetent.


Monday, November 19, 2012

Starting from the bottom and working my way up

As I mentioned, I'm familiar with the FIRE people from my days in college.  They are solid people, and some of the speech codes at colleges are legitimately suppressing speech.

Federal workers are definitely not underpaid.  If nothing else, they're being "compensated" with more job security (or, in the case of DOJ, prestige), and they're "buying" more free time.  But it sounds as though they're also getting paid at a level similar to the private sector.  No wonder they never want to leave... I will reiterate my desire to work in the private sector for as long as I can.

I hate unions - I'm just throwing that out there.  I imagine there are a lot of people who try to raise a family by working at a low-level Walmart job, and I don't envy their obviously formidable task, but I can't say that I want to do anything about it from a policy perspective.  But I kinda object to this whole labor system.  Walmart employees should have the right to come together, but Walmart should have the right to fire them if they do, but maybe collective action in this case should really be an antitrust violation but for the law excluding union activity, but maybe that law is dumb.  I should have left it at "I hate unions."

That OkCupid article was better only in that I could read it at work.  That actually made it worse because it meant that I finished it, and it wasn't that great.  A bunch of atheists met up on OkCupid?  Neat-o.  Them and Tom.  Hooray.

Aww!  But I should still go to the gym and earn that bonus...

I'll comment on the other ones tomorrow, but until then, how to live without irony.  Plus this because it might be relevant (I haven't actually read the NYT piece yet).

Also, at around 1:50 in the morning I took a little break and watched this live version of "Gangnam Style."  I've seen a lot of awesome concert footage on Youtube and elsewhere, but I don't think I've often seen that many people go completely nuts and know all the words and be genuinely happier than ever in their lives to be there.  Also, the regular music video has over 750 million views.  Damn.

i don't really believe that papa john or the denny's ceo hate obama because he's black but other people are saying it. it's harder to say mr. red lobster/olive garden hates obama for being black. harder but not impossible.

i beat you fair and square

though it's not 100% that obama beat romney fair and square.
the county with the highest voter turnout.
actually, though, that one was explained away because they had 2 pages of voter cards and they weren't smart enough to count votes and not pages. it doesn't make sense to me but apparently, that one's in the clear.

but ohio

the big list
a new catch-22? that's pretty much the best review i've ever read.
a lot of interesting tidbits here. i tend to like, "Parents and alumni dismiss free-speech restrictions as something that only happens to conservatives, or that will never affect their own children" and "Students were taught in group sessions that the term racist "applies to all white people" while "people of color cannot be racists." Once FIRE spotlighted it, the university dismantled the program." 

apparently fed workers aren't underpaid. as i've told my mother, DOJ could probably pay their lawyers a lot less and people would still flock to them. it's not like there's a dearth of people interested or that people interested are unqualified

i actually do have a little sympathy. but the workers need to gain some bargaining power. hard to do when "Wal-Mart, which has 1.4 million workers in the U.S., said it has five million applicants for jobs last year and 20% of those applicants had previously worked for the company."

maybe this okcupid article will be better - probably more SFW since it's a post article...

because you're so beautiful...

Friday, November 16, 2012

RGIII is a captain

He got a promotion during the bye week.  Let's see if the Redskins can get to the Promised Land under his regime.

I enjoy reading Peggy Noonan's blog from time to time.

Are homeless people supposed to use that app?  I don't get it...

These two stories were on Yahoo so you probably saw them, but

1. We eat a lot of sushi, and

2. Both Green Pig Bistro and Blue Duck Tavern were named on this list.

So we should probably discuss.


Thursday, November 15, 2012

lull in petraeus news means more obamacare reading

also, this but mostly for the comments (read them after the article, otherwise it won't make sense):

Obamacare IS the hope and change:
"I think you’re getting lost in speculating about what Scott (and the Scott’s of the world) would do in an Obamacare environment, by assuming his behavior would not have changed. I knew Scott. The mere fact that Obamacare existed, would have been enough to motivate him. What isn’t explicitly stated by Kristof and is overlooked in your analysis, is that Obamacare, by its mere existence, provides a holistic, positive message about the need for medical insurance and care and, subsequently backs it up by removing economic obstacles. Scott was smart and political. And he was also prudent and a rule follower. Obamacare would have suited him, his belief system, and his health care needs. Everyone needs a kick in the pants when it comes to health issues and Obamacare provides it. You’re assuming the devil is in the details, which sometimes it is. But Obamacare is cultural sea change and will affect our system in unexpected ways that go beyond your simple cause and effect dissection."

Unfortunately, Obamacare is affecting us already in very expected and very terrible ways in a simple cause and effect dissection. 

But then again, maybe you just need to go see a doctor if there's blood in your urine?

"John, I wanted to make one additional comment, as I sell Health Insurance in Washington State (and have lived only 1 mile from the hospital he went to).
First of all, Washington State has significantly stronger State laws than most. Everyone in Washington is GUARANTEED Insurable, so once he got sick all he had to do was go to the Washington State Health Insurance Pool (WSHIP). Then his health issues would be covered, done. 92% are accepted for Individual Health Insurance, the other 8% must pay significantly more…yet they waited to get coverage and CURRENTLY have massive health expenses.
So when the author mentioned his friend could not get coverage that is a lie. His friend did not have a good Insurance Broker that could outline all his options then show him how to sign up. If you have any questions please let me know."

Elizabeth draws the line

Despite being Jesse Jackson's kid, I was going to give Jr. the benefit of the doubt about not resigning after misusing campaign financing in buying furniture for one of his houses until he got disability payments. That is, until the statement, "Our sources say that the federal agents want to know where Jackson got $42,000 to pay for the watch he purchased for the woman he was having an affair with." That is a bridge too far.

There are a lot of people in poverty.The surprise -16.9% Asian! We can't let this stand.

Now I didn't read this whole thing because it made me queasy but I was thinking there was some legal loophole that wasn't being explored. Like the judge ruled based on the law but the media wanted to lambast her for being easy on crime. I couldn't find the loophole.

that uva alum link that didn't work from before.

the homelessness app from before.

i think playing monday morning quarterback with limited information about a business isn't really helpful.

Among the retorts to people raising prices or limiting hours: "the company and CEO's have enough money to take it," "rich people sticking it to the poor," "so what, raise the prices!" Very thoughtful. Also, "there are other reasons you're raising prices - rising prices for your food supplies, etc.!" So yeah, it's not Obamacare, it's the terrible economy and inflation, you greedy bad person. Stop blaming Obama!

Also, I think, though I'm not sure, that Papa John was speaking about how much it would cost each franchisee. So attacking how rich Papa John is won't necessarily fix things. 

But you knew that.

also consider this.

Also, one of my "racism is still alive" facebook friends posted something about how terrible it was that there are assassination talks against Obama now. Not saying that it's a good thing. No, it's definitely terrible. But the fact that this is Obama's SECOND TERM seems to imply that it's not because he's black. I mean, wouldn't racists have revolted the first term? What is it about a second term that clearly makes this something that racist people can't stand? "Oh I hate minorities but one term as President I don't mind....I'll wait for the second term to get all up in arms." It also ends with something like "when will white people stop insisting that black people get educated and have personal responsibility?" And this wasn't sarcasm.

haven't read this yet but my facebook friend that posts interesting articles posted this.

and yes i looked at facebook but that's because one of the partners posted something about a job and i figured i'd send the info along to caitlin. i think that makes it acceptable.