Thursday, January 31, 2013

but if UVA law were a training ground for criminals...

wouldn't we be the best criminals since we graduated? i mean, these people don't graduate before doing their crimes. we would be so much better at it!

i thought this was kinda epic. and glorious.

i realize this is just facts and statistics, but why can't a guy-themed movie open on superbowl weekend? the superbowl is on sunday night and most people don't watch movies then. but then again, i guess 1/3 of the weekend nights is taken up so that might be a problem. anything look interesting in feb?

i will watch this later.

oh i was wrong about the bb10 - this is what it looks like. it does have a keyboard. it looked like a touchscreen when i saw it.

did you know about this?

1 comment:

  1. Maybe we weren't paying enough attention in class?

    We're making that now. I've already added it to the Ziplist.

    The only movies I'm even remotely interested in are the Die Hard sequel and Snitch.

    It's 11 minutes long - I will watch it with you.

    Yes - it's great.
