Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Goodbye Ray Lewis!

After the playoffs, Ray Lewis is retiring.  Now hundreds of NFL players will rest easy knowing that Lewis will no longer be coming after them, and millions of civilians will sleep no more knowing that he will have a lot more free time now.

Speaking of departures, here is a list of NFL coaches and front office people who have been fired in the last few days.

But Billy Cundiff has a new job.

In a nutshell, the fiscal cliff agreement was pretty lousy.

This is the Potbelly at my building.

So Valentine's Day is coming up...

This is going on at Graffiato.

One of my New Year's Resolutions is to find a go-to bar, and I think the first step should be trying new places.  With that in mind, I move that we designate one day a week (assuming work is not crazy) as "Go-to Bar Night."  I don't know what the requirements should be, but I think that an obvious one (being located near where we live) might be problematic unless you like sketchy billiards parlors or mall bars.  I will have three nominations for next week by Sunday.  The short list of contenders includes the following:

1. Lyon Hall
2. Bandolero
3. The rooftop bar at the Rosslyn Holiday Inn

Ok, just kidding about the third one...

Might I make a suggestion that your "me time" be Friday?  It seems as though you like to go to your parents' house that night so you can run Saturday morning, so I can just assume that you'll typically be out of pocket then, special circumstances aside (e.g. someone's hosting a party or we're doing other things separately on the weekend and want to switch things up).

I'll respond to your post in the comments.


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