Thursday, January 31, 2013

UVA Law: Training Ground for Criminals

This story came out a while ago, but apparently a second victim has come forward.

Speaking of criminals, they're getting started at an earlier age these days.

I didn't realize that the federal government is responsible for only 15% of public TV's funding.  I think Big Bird can definitely go on a diet.

And responses:

1. Duck fat should become a new part of our lives immediately.

2. Those suggestions seem reasonable.  They all seem to center around taking a step back and being a little more contemplative about what you are doing.  Makes sense.

3. See #1.  Also, see your doctor!

4. People want to do what they want to do.  There are plenty of people who started at UVA Law, racked up big-time debt, and swore never to do private practice.  And there are people who make it to law school for essentially free and make partner at a big law firm.  Maybe we should figure out why doctors aren't interested in general practice.


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