Tuesday, January 22, 2013

random non-inaugural stories

increased parental support leads to lower grades

investment bankingEvery generation of aimless Ivy League graduates has to have some job that it flocks to out of a hunger for prestige and avoidance of adulthood, and it's hard to imagine that that job will be, y'know, done well. And it's genuinely weird that investment banking was that job for a while. A tumultuous while, it turns out. You might ponder whether the flight from banking and into Teach For America is entirely good news for our inner-city schools.

how the new yorker gets stories - turns out, at magic shows.

1 comment:

  1. So the money needs to have strings? That seems a little obvious...

    The banking article was interesting. I should note that, thus far, my job has been to facilitate the legal aspects of this particular endeavor, and the reasons I have considered going in-house at a bank are 1) I might get to be involved in this in a more direct way, 2) I can eliminate some of the less interesting work from my docket, and 3) since I'd be closer to the deal, I'd have a better chance at more $$$.

    I wonder whether there are broader lessons for how journalists get stories. It could explain media bias to a large extent.
