Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Goodbye Rob Parker!

His contract expired at the end of last year, and ESPN is not going to renew it.

Bret Stephens at the WSJ Opinion Page is not super thrilled with Chuck Hagel as Defense Secretary.

Beer apparently might be good for pain.  I will believe that without further need for evidence, but I do wonder whether the fact that the same healthy foods (e.g. olive oil, berries, vegetables, etc.) are just good for everything, and the same unhealthy foods (e.g. bacon, red meat, soda, gluten) are just bad for everything.  Like, they could put together a slide show of foods that are good and bad for losing weight, fighting disease, gettin' it on in the bedroom, etc., and I feel like it would be the same slideshow.

Cars that drive themselves!  Well, maybe we're not 100% there, but it's another step towards someone's dystopian nightmare...

Here's an interesting proposal from Bob McDonnell with respect to the gas tax and sales tax.  From a purely self-interested perspective, I'm not sure I like it because I don't drive that much, but it might be good policy.


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