Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Leave charter schools alone!

I'm not really sure what the news is with respect to charter schools.  Besides, it's not that I love charter schools because they're better; it's that I love them because they can be different, which can be better.  Honestly, I think there's a profound social problem with how to deal with bad children in school.  All that said, I could probably point to 10 news stories (or just this one or this one or this one or this one) where the public school didn't expel, but rather called the police (which is to say nothing of stories like this where the school simply acts wildly out of proportion to the alleged offense).  Since corporal punishment is out of the question, society needs to figure out how to deal with these problem children.

Chuck Kloisterman on a podcast with Bill Simmons was saying that the 2000s are interesting because, unlike the last few decades that preceded them, there is really no unifying theme (his specific example was music rather than fashion).  I don't know if it's just too soon to tell or what, but maybe the 2000s will be known for decentralization more than anything else.  Or maybe, as the article suggests, we'll pick out one or two things from the decade that were big for a while (like bellbottoms in the 70s) and those will come to represent the entire decade for better or worse.

RGIII news: the current projection is 6-8 months for rehab, but with injuries like this, we'll just have to wait and see.

For some reason, everybody seems to think that, when Lance Armstrong goes to Oprah, he's going to admit to using PEDs.  It's as though Oprah is a celebrity priest to whom you go for confession.  "Forgive me, Oprah, for I have sinned..."

This might be relevant to our lives.

This could be an interesting development for Apple, but I wonder whether it runs into the fidelity problem.

For the first time since 1996, nobody was elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame.  Notable rejects from this year include (alleged) steroids users Roger Clemens, Barry Bonds, and Sammy Sosa.


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